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"You don't know that," Josh tries but Tyler just slowly nods his head.

"You don't understand..." Tyler says looking at his arms.

"What don't I understand?" Josh asks.

"I'm...not what you think," Tyler closes his eyes, avoiding any looks that Josh would give him.

"What do you mean?" Josh asks, pulling at Tylers nerves.

"I-I mean..." Tyler starts.

"Yes?" Josh says urging him on.

"I'm Insane okay, and because of this I can never keep a friend...cause they all run away," Tears start to fill Tylers eyes.

Josh takes Tylers hand and says "I love people who are different, who know that they're special, and are aware that they are insane. Ty your not insane, your just different...in a good way."

"You don't know me," Tyler jerks his hand away.

"Yes I do," Josh spits out but regrets it instantly.

"Why do you mean?" Tyler now looks at Josh, with a confused look.

bLuRrY//Joshler bookWhere stories live. Discover now