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Josh climbs through Tylers window to see Tyler sitting on his bed, all bruised up and

"WHAT HAPPENED!" Josh yells and sits next to Tyler.

"Life happened," Tyler says motionless.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Josh asks.

"No," Tyler says firmly.

"Oh, okay," Josh sits there, watching as Tyler makes weird faces.

Tyler flashes back to what had happened,his dad walked in the room yelling mean stuff at Tyler and telling him that his mom had left. Then His dad starts to punch Tyler and throws him on the floor. Tyler begs him to stop but his father refused. His dad started yelling stuff like "Your a worthless piece of shit and I wish you were never born!" Then he starts kicking Tyler as bloods pours all over the floor.

Josh looks at the floor to see puddles of blood.

Then Tyler starts crying. He leans into Josh's shoulder and sobs.

Josh pats Tylers back whispering stuff like "Its gonna be okay and I'm here now."

Tyler starts to feel a little better, but he knew that wouldn't last long.

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