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"what all did my dad say!" Tyler demands.

"Well he told me that you sing, you have depression, and  you have schizophrenia.." Josh says.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Tyler yells. "I KNEW THIS WAS ALL A LIE,I KNEW ITT!" Tyler starts screaming.

"No Tyler it's not all a lie," Josh tries to reason .

"THEN WHAT WAS IT!" Tyler starts pacing around in the little bit of grass there was.

"Your dad just mentioned me to you that's it!" Josh explains.

"Where?, When?" Tyler asks.

"The day I asked you to be my friend at the music store," Josh says.

Tyler calms down and apologizes "I'm sorry, my dad has just been getting so many people to act like my friend just so that he could spy on me."

"Oh I'm sorry," Josh gets up and hugs Tyler.

"It's not your fault..." Tyler hugs Josh back.

"Do you maybe...wanna come to my house later?, Tyler asks Josh.

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