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Josh walks back over to Tyler, watching as Tyler mumbles the word "no," multiple times.

"Are you okay Ty?" Josh asks.

Tyler doesn't answer he just keeps mumbling.

"Josh doesn't love you! He's fake!" Blurry yells at Tyler.

"NO!" Tyler yells, Josh looking up at him.

"He's as fake as your dad's love you," Blurry growls.

"NO HES REAL! HES REAL!" Tyler screams, making Josh put Tys head in his shoulder.

"He's real, he's real" Tyler calms down a bit as Josh pats his back, confused as to what was happening.

"Hes fake," blurry ecos once more.

"N-noo," Tyler whines.

"It's okay," Josh whispers in Tylers ear.

Tyler stops whining and hugs Josh.

Tyler falls asleep, his face in Joshs shoulder, and his dad on the floor.

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