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Once they get to to the hospital Tyler woke up.

"Where are we?" He asks.

"The hospital," Josh replies.

"WHAT! NO JOSH I CANT GO HERE!" Tyler starts freaking out.

"Ty, calm down it's gonna be okay," Josh wipes loose strands of hair out of Tylers face.

"NO...No...no," Tyler takes a deep breath.

"But I'm not even hurt," Tyler tries to move.

"Yes you are Ty, you can't even walk," Josh says.

"Yes i can," Tyler tries to move his legs but groans in pain.

"Ty let me help you... please" Josh begs

"Fine," Tyler finally gives in.

"Thank you," Josh opens the passenger door, picks up Tyler, and carries him into the hospital.

Okay first time I put my own words at the bottom wow been a while but umm I know this is late that's probably why there is gonna be so many errors...I can barely keep my eyes open so I can't spit hardly anything but thank you for all the reads and votes ILY all❤️❤️

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