Chapter 1

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Today's the first day. I look at my watch. Im early. I get out of my car and grab my bags. Panem high school here I come!!

I go to the dorm assignment place and check my dorm. 143. Im sharing with the boy from.....

Holy duck. I come into the dorm to see a mess. I look up at my dorm mate. "Haven't been here five seconds and this place is a mess" I think to myself.

He says "Im Marvel. You can call me Marv."

"Hi Marv" I say.

"And your name" he says.

"Cato" I say back to him. "May I ask, why the duck is the room so messy."

"I don't know" he said guilty.

"You sure"


"Fine than" I walk off to my room and start to unpack.

My pajamas, Clothes, family photo, that beautiful girl who was in my class when I was 7, pencil. I can't remember her name. All I can remember that was she was short. When I would say that she would squeal "Im not small your just tall". I wonder where she is now. Is she still back in town. Has she moved. Is she here. Who knows. Last I saw her was when I was 7. I had a crush on her. She was georgeous. Her brown hair in plaits. Her being short. The bell rings. I go to class

Words: 236

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