Chapter 2

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"Sooo, can we go for a run now?" I asked Timothy as I sat up from the grass of the front lawn, I have been bugging him with questions ever since we sat outside. My wolf is dieing for a run and being stuck with Tim won't get me anywhere closer to freedom. "No Madison, it is your dad's call on this and he said no leaving the sight of the pack house or you will be in danger. Even with me you are in danger if we get ambushed by more than 2 rogues so no, I care about your parents too much to let them down" Timothy said with a frown. He had told me no several times but never told me about how he cared for my parents.

"Tim, do love her?" I asked softly, so softly that even I barely heard it. Tim slowly turned to face me with an angry expression on his face but I could see sadness in his eyes, "Ever since I first saw her, then I found my mate but lost her to a rogue attack. Raina was there for me when I was ready to die, of course I do..." Tim mummbled sadly then we both went silent, I could tell that he was begining to wish he hadn't admitted his little secret to the woman he loves daughter.

"Tim, I won't tell anyone. I promise" I whispered softly with a sad smile, it isn't easy loving someone that can't love you back. Tim looked up at me with a small smile and nodded in response, "Soo, I guess a little run wouldn't hurt... BUT! Only around the pack house, not in the woods" Tim sighed, finally giving in.

I jumped up and down, squealing happily as I hugged him, "Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!" I yelled as I began to sprint then shifted, easily landing on my white paws and continuing to run around the house. My wolf wasn't amazing but I loved her, she has white paws that look like cute little socks and a white face then the rest of her is a dark brown, almost black color.

A short moment later I heard Tim running behind me in his sandy colored wolf, his tongue lolling out to the side. I have him a wolf smile then rammed into his sight playfully as if to challenge him to a race, he returned the smile then began to sprint at full speed.

After racing around the pack house for at least an hour I stopped running and walked to the door where there were some spare clothes. I grabbed them between my razor-like teeth and quickly hid behind a tree to change.

Once finished changing I walked into the pack house with Tim not far behind me. "Where are you going?" Tim asked as he caught up to me on the stairs. I raised an eyebrow at him as I pointed to my room, "I'm going to my room to have a shower" I said calmly as his mouth formed an 'O' shape then he walked into my room and sat on my bed.

"Tim you don't have to wait in my room, go see the guys or play video games or.... uhh... just go do something!" I growled as Tim frowned at me. I can't believe that I couldn't come up with one more thing that guys do.

Tim stood up and walked towards me in the door of my bathroom, he stood at least a foot taller than me so it was quite intimidating. "I am told to guard you at all times so I do have to stay in here to make sure that you are safe. By the way, don't growl at me ever again" Tim snarled in a low voice and I could see he was getting really mad now since his eyes were getting as dark as a stormy night that makes children run to there parents in fear.

"Fine then, stay on my bed. I'll just get dressed in the bathroom" I sighed then ran into my closet to grab some clothes then went to the bathroom.

Once the door was locked I sat my clothing on the sink, it was just a simple blue dress that was strapless and knee-length with a pare of matching sandals. I turned the shower on to a warm temperature then stepped in and went about my routine.

After I was finished in the shower I blow dried my hair that has become an auburn/ light brown color over time and let it fall naturally then got dressed. I walked out if my bathroom and decided that it was time to visit mum since I promised that in her last days of pregnancy I would see her on a daily basis.

"Mum how are y-" I asked but stopped mid-sentence when I saw her on her bed having contractions. Her head snapped towards me with fear filled eyes, she needed help. "Don't worry mum, the pack doctor is on his way" I whispered while holding one of her hands in mine then brushing her sweaty hair out of her face with the other hand.

"Raina are you ok?!" dad yelled as he ran in and went to mums other side to comfort her. Mum only cried out in response as another contraction racked pain through her body, this really does put me off of having children...

-7 hours later-

"Congratulations Luna, its a bouncing baby boy" the pack doctor announced. Mum smiled with a small sigh and reached her arms out for the little bundle of joy with a black tuft of hair atop his tiny head. Mum held him close lovingly then looked, "We will name him Charlie" she smiled then snuggled my new baby brother.


Hey Angels, sorry for the wait! My laptop is getting ads a lot so I had to right on my iPod which explains that this chapter is most likely shorter than my usual ones and takes longer. SORRY! Anyways what do you think of the babies name, like or hate??? comment what you think. Peace out!✌


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