New House

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Tyler pov

I hate having to move houses but I guess there are some upsides. New things to draw and a new school that doesn't know who I am. It's perfect. That doesn't change my hate for moving, though.

Honestly, it's my fault we have to move. I have...outbursts... That can sometimes be violent. Okay usually violent. I've gotten better at controlling myself but I'm not perfect.

As we are unpacking into our new house, I decide to take a look around at the houses close to ours. They all seem pretty similar to ours, but in one of them, I catch a glimpse of someone's room. It was mainly red and black and there was a boy in there. He seems like a jock kinda guy. He's hot. And he's looking at me. Probably because I'm being a creep and looking into his room.

While we unpack into our house, I decide to check out my room. My brothers and sister have already claimed theirs, so I end up with the small one.


Like don't get me wrong, it's nice, but why is is so small compared to the others. And the room is yellow. Yellow. I despise yellow. It's so bright and happy it's like it's constantly bragging about how happy it is right up in your face. I guess having this room could be a plus because if I break something or feel like I'm gonna lose control, I can just go to my room. And the bathroom is accessible from the hallway and my room so that's a plus.

I sit down on my bed and pull out a book. It's small and brown. The leather flap wrapping around it is scratched and dirty and some of the pages are falling out. There are tons of papers shoved between the pages that have drawings and homework on them. I open it and most of the many pages are covered in words scribbled in different pens with smudges from blood and tears. I turn to the next open page and pick up a pen from the bag the book came out of. I start writing. I don't know what about, but I just pour my thoughts into the page. I think about the new house, my room, that boy next door, and how I hope the new school doesn't bully me like last time.

I put the book down and go to take a shower. It's been a long day.

[Yoyoyo. So this is my first chapter. It's trash. I know. Anyway I'll see you in the next one. Also if you're rereading this, you may notice some differences from when I first posted it, but that's because I saw some continuity errors when I reread it after posting later chapters]

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