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Josh pov

I decided I had been staying with Tyler for long enough. It had been a few days since we came out to our school friends and life had been going smoothly. Tyler's family seemed not to suspect anything (except his mom who I think may be psychic) and the friends at school have been very accepting. I hated being a burden, though. No matter how much he says I'm not, I can't help but to feel like I've overstayed my visit with Ty.

Once I tell Tyler my plan to go home, he says that if Mom ever touches me again, to come over immediately. I agree, but I know I won't. I can't. I know she'll do it again and again and I can't keep asking Tyler to take care of me.

I'm laying in bed with Tyler before I leave.

"You know you're not a burden...right?" He says quietly after a while of just laying on our sides looking at each other.


"I love having you over. I love that you can comfort me when I feel bad and keep me from making...bad decisions"

"Well, I love yo--I mean that too....but I can't just make you take care of me and keep me here. I need to go home" I say. I hope he didn't hear that.

"Okay" he says and frowns. I kiss him on the nose. He smiles softly. I guess he didn't hear it.

"As long as I can make you smile like that, I don't care where I am" I say. That was cheesy but I think he liked it.

It's time for me to leave.

Oh boy.

I walk downstairs and Tyler follows me outside. Once we are out of his house, he pulls me into a tight hug and kisses me on the cheek. I'll miss seeing him all the time.


Once I get home, my mom says "where have you been, bastard?" In a casual tone. As if I haven't been gone for days.

"Out" I say and start to walk towards the stairs.

"Don't sass me, boy" she says and walks up to me. Here we go again.

She knees me in the gut. Wow she really likes doing that. I don't fall over this time, so she punches me several times as hard as she can in the ribs. She then proceeds to throw the beer bottle towards me as she walks away and it misses and smashes against the wall.

"Clean that up" she laughs as she walks into the kitchen.

Well I guess the golden days are over. I clean up the glass and go to my room. More pills. Ugh I think I may have broken a rib. I walk to the full length mirror in my room and lift my shirt. Wow. Looks bad. Already very bruised and I can see where she punched specifically.

I lay back onto the bed slowly. I'm not going to tell Tyler. We don't have school tomorrow so I won't have to skip and make him suspicious. I'll just have to endure the pain. Not like I could go to the hospital or anything. Mom would just hurt me more if she found out I saw a doctor.

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