He Likes Me?

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Tyler pov

"Of course. I hate seeing you sad. I hate knowing you do this. I just want you to be happy"

Ugh. Why does Josh have to be the biggest sweetheart in existence? Why did he have to run into me and have his life ruined by my problems? I got in his way. But if I didn't...what would have happened to him? He would still be in that house. He would still be alone.

I just look into his eyes for a while. I don't care that I'm obviously staring. I don't care that I have my hands on his face. I just know that I think I'm falling for this boy.

I suddenly realize that I'm leaning in but Josh doesn't seem to be resisting so I continue. I rest my forehead against his and we stay like that for a few seconds. He closes his eyes and I pause. He looks hesitant. I wonder what he's thinking. I tilt my head up a bit more. His breath hitches a little and I realize what's happening and that he's probably straight and that I'm an idiot.

Whatever. I don't care if he pushes me off and yells in my face. I need to kiss this boy. I bring his face up to mine with my hands and instantly I feel a spark. His arms wrap around my waist and pull me towards him and one of my hands slides from his face into his hair. But it doesn't last long.

He pulls away first, arms still wrapped around me. Here it comes. I wince in anticipation of loud yelling.

"Fuck" he whispers. What? Why isn't he yelling in my face? Is he not mad? "Tyler--"

"I'm sorry" I cut him off and push him away.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry for kissing you I'm sorry for not asking I'm sorry for--" he cuts me off this time by putting his hand over my mouth.

"There's nothing to be sorry for" he says, pulling his hand off of my mouth and putting it on my cheek.

"But I kissed you" I say.

"And I kissed you back" he says as he get closer again and moves both his hands to loosley rest where my neck meets my shoulders. I mean he's not wrong. He did kiss me back and even wrap his arms around me. But...why?

"Look, Tyler. I like you. Okay? I may have been hesitant before...but that's not because of you, it's my fault. Either way, I like you and I wanted you to do that. That's why I didn't pull away or slap you or anything"

He...likes me? Me? Is he sure? I mean I don't even like me. I guess it's his choice...


"Yeah" he says quitely. He puts his arms fully around my neck and pulls me in again. This kiss isn't as rushed, just contented.

[Oh God I hate the writing in this chapter but yay character development? Whatever. At least Josh finally came to his (Tyler) senses]

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