Not Again

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Josh pov

We were just playing Mario Kart but we got bored so he layed down. I lay down as well. I can see him turn his head out of the corner of my eye so I turn mine too. We are so close. I look at his lips. How perfect they are. His lips are so close that it wouldn't even be that difficult. I could just...wait. no. This isn't right. I need to stop. I'm not gay. I don't like men. I can't. If I do then I'm just like...him. I can't be like him. I can't do this.

I sit up and I think it startled him. I escort him out of my house and shut the door. Ugh. I can't believe that just happened. I can't believe how much I just wanted to kiss him...

"Who was that?" I hear my mother say from behind me. I spin around and see her with a beer bottle in hand.

"A friend. From school" I say quickly.

"Are you sure he isn't just some fag boy that wants to get in your pants? Or are you and him already fuck buddies? Ha! I bet you are! Are you gay too? I knew it" she laughs maliciously. I want to choke her so bad but I won't.

"He's just a friend!" I say very aggressively. She smirks that stupid evil smirk and walks over to me. I know what's about to happen.

She raised her hand and smacks me over the head, making me fall onto my side. The side of my head hits the ground really hard and I can tell it's going to really hurt tomorrow. Then, she chugs the rest of the beer from the bottle she's holding and smashes it onto the ground next to me. Shards from the bottle cut my face and hands and she laughs and walks away.

"That's what you get for being a little fag boy" she yells as she heads to the fridge to grab another bottle. Ugh. I hate her.

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