Chapter Two: Take a Break

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Word Count: 3246

(W/Y/L)= Where You Live  

I stand off to the side of the movie set and watch Tom perform another stunt in his Spidey Suit, my hands being warmed by the cup of tea that I had bought on the way over to the set this morning.

"Great job, Tom!" I hear someone call as Tom lands another stunt, throwing a few punches at the so called 'bad guy', "Take a break, Tom!" I bring the cup to my lips, wrinkling my nose in disgust, even though I already knew I wouldn't like the taste.

Tom tugs off his mask as he walks over to me, it's the first time in almost a year since we had seen each other in person, and we were itching to be back in each others arms, even if it was only for a few days.

Earlier in the week I had called Tom and left three long, goofy voicemails, knowing that he had been on the set of the latest Avengers film by himself, stressing. I talked to him about what had been going on, from normal channel stuff to the weird things that had happened while recording with GameSquad. I had hoped it would bring a smile to his face to have his voicemail box full of wacky messages; however, when he did, he was crying.

"I can't do this," I heard his voice crack when I answered the phone.

"Tom, what's wrong?" I panicked, ready to grab a jacket and rush out the door if need be.

"It's just been hard, everything has been going wrong lately. I'm just so tired," he whispers into the speaker.

My heart breaks for him. It's one of the first times he has really been alone on a film site. Usually, Harrison or one of his brothers will join him, but they are all busy with their own lives. Tom's an adult, he can do things on his own, but when he was having a bad day he needed someone the talk him down from it, and right now he had no one.

"You're okay, tell me what happened," I coax. Tom tells me about the past few weeks and how he hadn't been sleeping well the past few days due to the stress. Finally, after calming him down as best as I could I decided it was time I go see my best friend, "Here, I have to double check a few things, make sure videos get uploaded and such, but what if I came down to see you?"

"You'd do that?" He asks, I can hear the hopefulness in his voice.

"'Course! Anything for you, Tommy-boy. Just hang tight, okay? I'll look up flights while I'm on the phone with you, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah," I hear him sigh in relief, "okay."

Tom engulfs me into his arms quickly, his head nestled into the crook of my neck. "God dammit, I missed you." He groans, pulling me tighter.

"I missed you too." I whisper, clawing at the back of his suit with one hand while I balance his drink in another. "I got you tea while I was on my way out of the airport, but it needs sugar."

"You're a lifesaver," he whispers before pulling away from me and taking the drink from my hand. I dig in my bag for a few sugars I had grabbed on the way out of the Starbucks, shaking them until the powder packs to the bottom of the packet before handing them to Tom. He tears the tops off and pours them inside, swirling the drink and taking a swig. "I needed that more than I realized," he lets out a airy chuckle before smiling at me again.

"Figured you would. Do you wanna go back to your trailer and-"

"Tom!" Someone calls, cutting me off, "We need you back on set!"

Tom sighs, handing me back his tea. "You can if you want, I have to get back-"

"If you're here, I'm here." I state.

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