Chapter Eighteen: Welcome Home, Little Love

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Word Count: 2444

"Did we pack everything?" I ask, tucking the blanket around Claire's face.

"I think so," Tom mutters behind me as he walks over to rest his head on my shoulder, gazing down at our little love in her carrier. "She's so beautiful, love, just like her Mum." He mutters in my ear, pressing a kiss to my cheek, making me smile.

"She is beautiful, but God knows I look like shit-"

"You do not," Tom states, turning me in his arms, smiling at me. "You look stunning, darling." Tom leans into me and kisses my lips softly, nuzzling his nose against mine before letting me go to grab the bags off the floor. I grab Claire and the three of us make our way down to Tom's car.

"How antsy are our families about having to wait to meet her?" 

"Very, they are ready to meet their granddaughter and niece. Everyone is coming over tonight. My Mum said that they were bringing food so not to worry about making anything." He laughs as I finish the paperwork and the two of us head to the lobby. Tom motions me to sit while he goes and checks to see where are car was parked. After he brings the car around, he helps me place Claire's carrier inside then I crawl in next to her. Tom looks back at us before he pulls out of the hospital parking lot and down the road back to our house.

"I think the only one I am nervous about introducing Claire to is Tess. I know she has done well with kids in the past but-"

"I know, I'm a little nervous too, but I think she's going to recognize her immediately." He muses from his place in the front. We drive in silence, I catch Tom looking back at me from the rear-view mirror throughout the drive until he pulls up in front of the house. I let out a giggle when I see a small sign set in front of the house, Welcome Home, Little Holland!

"I love them." I giggle, carefully taking out the car seat as Tom grabs the bags and helps us out of the car.

Tom places a kiss to my temple before walking with us to the door. He unlocks the door and bumps it with his hip calling out to Tessa who is prancing at the front door in excitement. "Tess, back up, darling. Let us through." Tom sets down our bags before taking Tess by the collar so I can set the carrier down and take Claire out. I bounce her against my chest for a moment as Tom brings Tess back. He holds her carefully back before I crouch to the floor.

"Tessa, this is Claire," I coo as Tom brings Tess over to me. She sniffs at the blanket before letting out a small whine and laying her head against Claire's back and laying in my lap.

"I don't think we had anything to worry about," Tom laughs, sitting on the couch, taking out his phone to capture the moment.

"I guess we didn't, but now we have to get ready for the party tonight." I state, puckering my lips to indicate that I wanted a kiss.

Tom leans down to press his lips to mine before softly taking Claire from my arms. "Why don't you shower first, I can keep an eye on her until then."

"I will take you up on that offer," I smile, Tessa jumping on the couch to lay her head on Tom's leg to be closer to the little bundle in the pink blanket. I stand slowly, wincing at the pain downstairs. Tom smiles at me softly, letting out a hum when I drag my fingers through his hair before I walk upstairs for a much needed shower.

A few hours later, the house is bustling with noise, I am upstairs in the nursery, rocking Claire softly after having changed and fed her. I smile as the door creaks open, revealing Tessa who clambers over and rests her head on my leg to look up at Claire. "You love your tiny human, huh Tessa baby?" I coo, brushing a hand over Tessa's head before fixing my shirt.

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