Chapter Sixteen: A Night with Uncle Haz

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The cool January air seeps in the edges of the window in my recording room as I slowly lean forward over my desk to try and attempt to unattach my camera from the tripod that sits behind my monitor. I let out a squeal, placing my opposite hand on the wall in front of me in a panic when I begin go to fall forward due to my center of gravity being displaced by the planet under my shirt. "Tom!"

His footsteps run frantically up the hall, having been in the ensuite finishing up his shower. He bursts through the door, cursing when he sees me in my unbalanced state and grabs my hip carefully while wrapping an arm above my stomach to pull me back into him. "What did I say 'bout putting your cameras up and taking them down?" He pants into my ear, causing me to blush.

"Ask you to do it," I say sheepishly.

Tom places a trail of kisses from my shoulder to the spot just below my ear before kissing the side of my head. He unwraps his arms from around me, pointing at my chair as a silent order for me to sit down while he grabs my camera from behind the monitor.

I sigh, carefully lowering myself into the chair that now had locks on the wheels. Tom leans over my desk, making my eyes fall on his toosh. I giggle, shaking my head.

"What are you giggling about, love?"

"Ya know, you have a really nice ass." I tease, making him smirk over his shoulder at me, his cheeks tinted a soft shade of pink.

"And you have been cheeky the past few weeks." He teases back, finally succeeding in getting the camera off the tripod before setting it down on the desk and turning toward me with his arms crossed across his chest. "I wonder why that is?"

"Easy, my fiance is gorgeous, and I really want to be done being pregnant so I can enjoy people again-"

"Especially me," he teases, his eyes bright with mischief.

"I miss human contact." I giggle, putting my hand out to take Tom's hand in mine, pressing kisses along his knuckles. "I just want to be able to hug people normally."

"I know you do, not long now." He mutters, giving me a small smile and squeezing my hand. "What else can I do for you before we leave?"

"I really want something sweet, can you get me something for the drive?"

"Sure thing, love." Tom leans down to kiss my forehead, my hand catching his cheek to bring him down into a kiss. He hums against my lips before pulling away, looking at me in curiosity seeing my eyes swimming with worry. "What's wrong, (Y/N)?"

"I'm nervous about going to the doctors today," I whisper, keeping my hand on his cheek.

"Why are you nervous?"

"Just the fact that the end of the pregnancy I've been having a hard time getting around and doing things. I don't know, I'm just nervous they are going to give us bad news."

"They aren't, love. The only thing I think they are going to tell you is to go on bed rest until she's here." Tom states, kneeling down in front of me. "Claire has been doing great the whole pregnancy, and all the stress tests have been great, I think you are just wearing yourself out, bug."

"I just don't want to let anyone down." I whisper, a few tears slipping down my cheeks.

"You never do, and your fans know that you have been having a rough few weeks. You have been working hard to get videos recorded so that the next few weeks they will still be getting videos. You are doing phenomenally, (Y/N)." Tom presses a quick kiss to my lips before kissing my bump. "C'mon, lovie, let's get some food in you then head out, yeah?"

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