Chapter Four: Time to Relax

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My head lifts slightly off of Tom's shoulder, "Are we there yet?" I whisper into Tom's ear, making him laugh as the announcement comes through the speaker.

"We are about twenty minutes out from our destination, please buckle up your seat-belts and pull your chairs to their original positions."

"Guess we will be there soon, love." Tom mutters, his hand resting on my thigh, brushing his thumb against the fabric of my leggings. I nuzzle my head further on his shoulder, shutting my eyes again hoping to sleep the last twenty minutes. I feel Tom turn his head and press a soft kiss to the crown of my head, "You can't fall back asleep, bug. You need to wake up so when we get there we can head right out."

I sigh loudly, making him chuckle. "So, I do have a question." I state, tilting my head to look at him. "Why Portland, Oregon?"

"Well," he teased, taking my hand in his, "I know you like sightseeing and you really like nature, so I thought it was the perfect place."

"And you have everything planned?" I tease back, moving my head from his shoulder back to my own headrest to get a better look at him.

"To a degree, I have plans of what we could do." Tom opens up the notepad app on his phone to show me the abundance of choices of what we could do for the next two weeks, "but I figured we can plan what to do each day together." He states turning off the screen as not to spoil everything.

"You just want to keep everything from me." I pout, sticking out my lower lip making him copy me. "Where are we even staying?"

"That is also a surprise," he smiles widely, "but I know you are going to love it."

"At least tell me it wasn't ungodly expensive?" I whine playfully.

"It wasn't bad, decent price for what we got."

"Okay, well, I'm excited."

"Thank God, 'cause if you weren't then I would have to go over the top for the next two weeks."

"Drama queen." I mutter, letting out a squeal when he squeezes my thigh. I swat at his hand, making him laugh.

The two of us sit in silence as the plane descends out of the sky. Once we land and pull up to the gate, Tom tugs me out of my seat, helping me pull our bags from the overhead bin. I grab Tom's hand as he leads the two of us off the plane and out into the airport. Tom makes sure that I am keeping pace with him, and at some points he is struggling to keep pace with me, while being dragged to the baggage claim where we stand side by side waiting for our bags.

"Am I ordering the Uber or are you?" Tom asks, nudging me with his shoulder.

"I can do it," I say, pulling up the app. I poke his shoulder and pass him my phone, "They want the address of the hotel."

Tom nods and swaps me phones, "Text my Mum and tell her we made it."

"Yup, I'm texting mine too while I am at it." I mutter and see him nod while he types out the address. After the texts are sent and our bags are retrieved, him and I make our way out to the car pool area and wait for our ride. "They texted me, said it's a white Sedan." I tug his hand and he follows me to the vehicle while I wave at the guy in the driver's seat.

"Are you (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" he asks, checking his phone to make sure he pronounces my name correctly.

"Yup, Mitchell, right?" I ask, watching the guy nod and unlock the door. Tom taking my bag before walking to the back of the car and patting the trunk in hopes that the driver will pop the trunk.

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