Chapter Twelve: Remember When

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Word Count: 3454

(Y/F/B): Your favorite breakfast

I let out a soft groan as I drop my duffel bag and finally sit down at the kitchen table in the Holland's family home. It's six in the evening, and I am utterly exhausted. After PAX had ended, I flew out to L.A. for two weeks to record videos with Mark and crew before flying home to my apartment. Tom went back to filming another movie in Atlanta. I spent the two weeks I had at home packing and pre-recording videos so I had enough on file to post for about three weeks, while Tom and I looked and settled into our new home. The worst of everything from the last few weeks was that my landlord argued with me when I wouldn't sign for another lease, even though I told him that I was moving out of the country. At one point I just walked out of his office, leaving my notice on his desk the following morning because I was done with his bullshit.

When I got finally got to London, I had planned to stay at Tom and Harrison's flat. However, since the both of them were gone filming, I decided to stay with my future parents-in-laws. Staying with Tom's parents had its perks, it meant I could relax, look up apartments for Tom and I to move into, edit what was left of the videos, and get all my medical stuff re-situated.

Tessa barking at the opening of the front door catches my attention, my head lifting from its place on top of my arms. "Mum, is (Y/N) here yet?"

"Why don't you ask her yourself?" I tease, turning in my chair to see Paddy run down the hall, Tess on his heels, and skid to a stop in front of me.

He throws down his backpack, heavy with textbooks, before hugging me. "When did you get in?" He asks, pulling away to reveal a large smile on his face.

"Like, ten minutes ago I think. Mum?"

"Yeah, we got in about that time. Be careful, love, her flight was not pleasant for her and the little one." Nikki responds, working on dinner at the stove.

Paddy smiles, looking at me nervously, motioning to my stomach. "Can I um..."

I nod, "There's only a little bump, but they are in there." I state as he crouches down in front of me and places a hand on my stomach, smiling at the little bump. The sound of a camera going off tears my attention from the youngest Holland up toward the sound. I smile at Nikki who has her camera in hand, capturing the moment to memory.

"When will you know if they are a boy or a girl?" Paddy asks, moving to sit in the chair beside me, pulling homework from his backpack.

"Not long now, once Tom is home in a few weeks we will go to the appointment," I hum, propping my head on my hand.

"Do you know if you two are going to find out what the gender is or are you going to wait?" Paddy continues, making me smile.

"Pads, why are you bombarding (Y/N) with all these questions?" Dom asks, walking over and kissing the top of my head before greeting his wife with a kiss on the lips.

"Because Tom won't tell me anything and I'm nosy." Pad says, making me chuckle.

"To answer your question, Pads, I think we wanted to do a gender reveal, but we don't know when exactly we will do it. I am hoping that we can do it while Izzy is in town so she doesn't have to plan another flight. Right now, I just want to worry about finding a flat."

"Why a flat?" Paddy asks, looking up from his notebook.

"Well, we want to have everything set up before the baby gets here, so while Tom is on set, it's my job to look for an apartment-"

Paddy looks at me in confusion, "I thought Tom already-"

"Paddy," Nikki cuts in, "Why don't you call Sam and Harry and see if they are coming over for dinner or if they are going to their flat from their latest job?" Paddy gives her a sheepish grin before packing his homework and leaned across to kiss my cheek before leaving the room, grabbing my duffel bag on the way out.

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