Chapter 2

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You arrived at the entrance of your new office building. You were mesmerized by how tall the building was. You took a deep breath and walked to the reception desk and introduced yourself to the receptionist. The receptionist then smiled and asked you to wait for a while. You smiled back and waited while looking around the lobby. Still mesmerized with the interior building, you didn't realize someone was already standing next to you.

"Hello Miss Y/L/N." You startled for a bit before turning around.

"Oh...Mr. Lee Hyunjoo. How are you?" You still remembered the name of a person that interviewed you a while ago.

"Oh! Looks like you already memorized my name. Yes, yes I'm fine thank you. How about you?" Hyunjoo smiled.

"I'm also fine sir, thank you," you smiled back.

"Alright, let me bring you to your desk and introduced you to our CEO." You felt confused.

"Sir...why are we meeting the CEO? I thought I work at the Administrative Department which is not directly under CEO's supervision."

"That's correct but we have a slight changes. Sorry I did not tell you earlier. You're just appointed as a CEO secretary."

"Oh really but please correct me sir aren't you the PA of CEO. Why do he need a secretary anymore."

"You have such a good point Miss Y/L/N. Yes, I am the PA but my work is too much for me alone to handle. I also always out of office so we really need someone who can do office work and help our CEO. Let me remind you something. Our CEO is a very talented young man but he is such a cold hearted person and quite arrogant. You might get annoyed with his behavior but just bear with it okay. Always be early and do whatever he told you to. Make sure don't ask too much questions or you will be scolded. Do you understand?" You were quite suprised but still answered it.

"I do but please why do you have to tell me this?"

Suddenly, Hyunjoo stopped walking and turned to you. He sighed before talking.

"I need to tell you this because you are actually the seventh person to hold this post. The previous secretaries has been sacked by our CEO due to not met with his requirement. I do hope that you will not be like them since I believe that you are different. I felt that when I interviewed you before." You felt sudden weight has been put on your shoulder.

"You put such a high hope on me sir," You said whilst looking down the floor. Hyunjoo smiled.

"I do but I also know that you can actually do it. You can right?" You hesitated before nodding your head.

"Now don't be nervous. Just do your best. For your son sake." You felt surprised again. 'How did he know?'

"How do you know about my son?"

"I read you resume. I mean I really READ your resume even though I didn't asked about your status in the interview session. That was another point taken into consideration when I choose you to be a secretary." Another confusion statement!

Hyunjoo chuckled a bit. "You might not understand now but you had heard that our CEO is a bachelor. A really gorgeous bachelor to be specifically. So he is quite popular among girls. However he does not interested in love relationship and you being a single mother, I assume, you also don't want to involve in any relationship do you?" You finally understand what Hyunjoo meant about.

"So you think that I will not get interested with him. Hmm, quite fascinating. Now, I really want to know how gergous he is." Hyunjoo raised his eyebrows. You chuckled a bit.

"Don't worry sir. I'll try my best not to have an interest towards my boss." Both of you laughed at what you just said. Soon, both of you walked towards to the office. As you arrived at the door with the sign named 'Jeon Jungkook' on it , you suddenly felt nervous. Hyunjoo looked at you and pat your back twice.

"Relax. Our boss is not a man eater." You let out small laugh. Seriously, this guy knew how to treat people well. You felt relieved a bit. Hyunjoo knocked the door twice and waited.

"Come in." A stern voice heard through the door.

"Remember what I said just now okay," Hyunjoo said as he winked at you before opened the door. They walked till they were in front of his desk and stood still. There he was, Jeon Jungkook, the CEO of Jeon Holdings, sat at his bulky chair busy with his documents checkthrough. You had to admit. He was handsome. Even though he looked serious but still it does not affect his handsomeness. You just couldn't stop staring at your new boss. Hyunjoo looked at you and smiled a bit. He coughed and you startled made you came to your senses.

"Mr. Jeon. Here it is your newly appointed secretary," Hyunjoo said. The person still looked down at his papers humming letting Hyunjoo to continue. Hyunjoo nodded at you and you took a breath before spoke.

"Mr. Jeon, my name is Yoo Y/n and I'll be your secretary from now on." Jungkook lifted up his head and looked at you expressionless. Then, he turned his head to Hyunjoo.

"Hyunjoo, take her to her seat. Show and teach her what she is suppose to do and I already put some files on the desk. Check the errors and fix it. Finish it by today." He then looked down back at the papers. 'Wow, so blunt. He even didn't look at me properly. Huh, like I care' you thought. You felt the need to ask a question but before you could speak the man himself already spoke.

"Any questions ask Hyunjoo. Now, go." Hyunjoo nodded and gestured you to followed him. You turned back and followed him. He closed the door and went to the desk next to the door.

"This is your desk. The room in front of you is mine," said Hyunjoo while pointed his index finger at the small glass office opposite them. Hyunjoo then explained to you everything and you taken some notes so that you won't forget. You both spent time a while to work on the files given earlier. Hyunjoon was quite amazed with you because you could easily grasped the work. 'Like I expected.' He thought.

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