Chapter 30

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Jimin was thinking about you whilst laying on his bed. Exhausted from the work that he newly taken over made his life busy but it didn't let him stopped thinking about you. Ever since he met you not once he let his mind to forget about you. It brought him to the memories he had with you. He knew that most of it were bad memories but it kept flashed through his mind.

You both knew each other since high school. It was a private schools where all rich families sent their children there. So, mostly the children there were a spoiled brats. He was too. Being handsome and came from well being family, he gradually became popular. With such popularity, he had girls wooing him but you were not one of them.

At first he didn't like you. It's because you didn't socialize much. He thought that you were kind of an arrogant person. But he knew you were also popular among the boys. Who didn't know about Kim Y/n. The only princess of Kim Taejoon the CEO of Kim Corps, one of the biggest company in Korea. Literally everyone in school knew you. But in contrast with being well known you had to live in a restricted life. You don't have friends and you couldn't go everywhere without a bodyguard. He knew about it because you were the one who told him when he accidentally met you at your secret place. At the bench under the cherry blossom tree in a small garden behind the school.

From there, you and him were secretly met and gradually became friends. You two spent times together without your father knowing because he's strictly forbid you to have friends. Your father didn't want you to be used or people took advantage on you. Your friendship continued until both of you graduated from the high school. You two kept in contact secretly through calling and messaging as you weren't allowed to go out alone.

Then both of you were accepted to go to the different universities but you two promised to keep being friends. But, being apart from each other plus you and him were busy with your university lives eventually led to less in contact with each other. You also didn't know that he was changed. He became more spoiled and playful. He enjoyed partying and having fun with girls. He kept it secret from you as he didn't want to ruin your friendship. He also knew that you had a feeling towards him but he choose to ignore it because he didn't have the feeling. He only saw you as a friend.

But that one particular night changed everything. He hosted a party in his house and you were invited. At first you declined but he kept pleading you to come. It's because he wanted to show off to his friends that he closed to you. He always bragged about you but they didn't believe him so when you came to his party, they started to believe. They started swarming you and wanted to be your friend but you were not comfortable with the situation. He knew you didn't like parties but he didn't have a choice. He was making a bet. That he kept secret from you. That you'll come to his party and he won the bet. However, he regretted it later because some of the guys tried to get close to you. He's filled with jealousy.

He was so jealous that he didn't realize he drank so much he became lost conscience. He kept being close to you and you were thinking that he actually liked you. You were touched by his attention that focused on you. Then, he did something that made him doubles the regrets. He forced you to sleep with him. Of course, you didn't want it at first but since he knew you liked him, he used it as a bait to let him took you to a bed and eventually you let him took your virginity.

Next day, he left you alone and you knew you've been fooled. He remembered that you were so mad at him, you didn't replied his messages. He too didn't apologized even though deep in his heart he felt so guilty but his ego consumed him to let him asked for forgiveness. The two of you didn't contact each other until one day, you asked him to meet you. He was perplexed by the sudden call but he ended up met you.

That's when he found out that you were pregnant. He was so furious and started accused you were lying. It's still lingered in his mind how frustrated you face were despite crying so much because he didn't believe you. You kept telling him to believe you but he kept refused it. He ran away from you and avoided any calls or messages. He literally left you. But, it's haunted him. He became solemn and depressed. His parents realized that and decided to send him abroad in order to let him regained himself once again. He didn't tell you but he guessed you will know it later. He didn't know what happened to you after that.

When he's abroad he's increasingly getting better and he thought that he could forget about you. Somehow, the fate didn't let him to do it. He met your brother who's studied at the same university as him. Living in the foreign country without your family and of course alone, it was such a bless to meet someone from the same country. He and your brother became friends and hereafter became close that you two decided to live together as a housemate.

He found out about your relationship with your brother when he came to his room and there was your picture on his desk. He was shocked about it and at that moment his thought instantly remembered you and his sins. However, he kept it silence from your brother but he knew he can't keep it forever. Each time your brother talked about you he couldn't help feeling more guilty. Each time also he felt something different about you in which later he found out the he was in love with you. He thought at first the feelings he had was because of sympathy but as he went on and on the feelings grew to become love. Every nights he kept dreaming about you until he couldn't take it anymore. He decided to search for you once he landed back to Korea. He decided to let you know that he wanted to ask your forgiveness and to tell you that he loved you. He even made a promise to himself to take full responsibility on you and your child. He didn't care what happened to him if your parents and even worse your brother knew about it but he thought he needed to do it. He couldn't let you go now and he didn't want to. He missed the chance once in the past and he'll do anything to make up with it.

Even though, he knew that you didn't love him anymore. 

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