Chapter 59

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One day to go. To be exact just an hour before the clock hits twelve in the morning.

Tomorrow is your engagement party.

Rather than excited, you were more cautious. More nervous. Tomorrow is the day.

You were looking at your dress that hanged beautifully on the corner of your room. It's beautiful. Perfect. For yourself to move freely or indirectly called as perfect to use to run away. It's length was just below your knees. The long sleeves were covering most your shoulders and slightly lower cut on the neck.

And it's a gift from Jungkook.

Delivered specially by Namjoon.

Your father didn't even questioned about it. However, Jimin was a little bit upset. You saw it from his eyes when he came visiting you just now. When he first entered, he grinned ear to ear holding an outfit. Once his eyes settled down on the dress, his smile dropped and started asking who was it from. You just said it was your brother who came and brought it. You never told him the truth. He didn't need to know about it.

You lied on your bed wanting to get rest. You needed the energy for tomorrow. You tried to memorise the plan explained by Namjoon when he came to see you before.

You slowly drifted to your slumber hoping for the best tomorrow.


Jungkook, Yoongi and Hoseok getting readied to the party. Not wearing suits because they actually not going to enjoy it. They came for a mission.

Last minute revisions of the plan and they ready to go. Namjoon about to join them later at his father's mansion meanwhile Seokjin at his home taking care of Jiwoon. At the same time, prepared for executing backup plan.

Jungkook sent a short message to you notified you that they were about to go. Yoongi then signalling them to move and within minutes they're in the cars. Yoongi and Jungkook in a car. Hoseok on the other one. He headed to somewhere else before meeting up with Namjoon.


You tossed the phone outside the window to dispose the evident. Waited to be called for the party. You checked your appearance. You just needed simple makeup and hairdo.

No need to be extravagant.

Still wanted to look beautiful in front of Jungkook.

Haein came in and announced you that the party is going to start and you nodded got up from your sit.

You walked with her to the hall and met with your parents. Your father was smiling proudly while your mother watching you with her concerned eyes. You smiled back at her but ignored your father's warned gaze.

All the guest were there talking and fulfilling their stomach. You stood alone. Tried to control yourself from nervousness. You checked your watch to track the time. Suddenly, a hand sneaked your back and you flinched. You looked to the side and instantly you regretted it.

Jimin's brown orbs met yours and he smiled. You turned quickly to the front. He came closed to you and whispered. "You look beautiful Y/n."

You felt nothing towards his compliment but still said 'thanks' just as a gratitude. In the midst of the crowd, you suddenly recognised a figure. He came to you and you immediately smiled. You wanted to go to him but Jimin's grip on your waist was quite strong so you stayed on your place.

"Hey little sis." Namjoon came and hugged you. You took the chance pushed Jimin's hand away and hugged him back. "Oppa." Namjoon eyes bored on Jimin and he smiled but Namjoon just turned his eyes away ignoring him.

The Boss And Me (Jungkookxreader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now