Chapter 36

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You were looking out the window through the journey back. Even though you saw nothing but darkness still you took your eyes to it. Its fascinated you somehow. The other reason was because the person next to you didn't utter a word since the car moved.

You knew that too many things had happened just now and you felt the urged to know something however, you could feel he didn't want to talk about it. Yet. But being so curious, you wanted to ask.

"What happened just now?" You asked looking at him. Jungkook didn't even fazed by your question. His eyes still focused on the road. You looked back to the front and scraped your nape being awkward that your question was ignored.

"Can we go somewhere else to talk?" He suddenly asked. You quickly turned to him. "Ye-yeah sure."

He suddenly changed the route to somewhere else. The car then stopped on the parking spot. You looked outside and you instantly knew you were in the park. He got out and walked to your door and opened it. He gestured you out and you followed him after that. He walked to the bench that facing the lake after locking the door.

The view was still looked breathtaking despite the dark surrounding. Only the park lights shined through the park. You slowly sat down next to him while he admired the view in front of him with his arms and legs crossed. You too looked at the view. You took a deep breath and slowly let out. You smiled slightly feeling the fresh air. The cold breeze swayed by and you brushed your arm up and down few times.

"Are you cold?" Not waiting for your response he took off his suit and covered your body with it.

"Thanks." You murmured. "But don't you get cold too?"

"I'm fine."

You nodded not asking more. He sat down and looked back to the view. You pulled the coat to fully cover yourself.

"Well that Yoongi as you know is my stepbrother." He started off. You listened to him while still facing the lake.

"My father married his mother when I was 22 years old. I was still a student at that time but I lived alone. In a different place. I went back home occasionally."

Then, he fell silence and you waited. You knew he needed time to tell you like you did before when he wanted to know about you.

"When I said occasionally, I mean I rarely went back home. I don't want to see her. Luckily I got my own home and I used my own money to buy it. I had a job while I'm studying because I wanted to be independent and I had my own dreams that time. I thought that I can pursue my dreams if I was being left alone. But I guess that was just a dream. Can never be fulfilled. I had to take over my father's company when suddenly he fell ill. He didn't want to at first but Hyunjoo hyung constantly assured him to believe in me. Since then, I tried to prove to him that I can do it. And it does. It took quite a while for him to finally realized my capabilities even though I was a major art student. I learned everything from bottom with the help of Hyunjoo hyung, Taehyung and other management staff."

You were amazed with his story. You felt something similar in his story that reclined with yours. Might be this made you two easily accepted each other. But you wanted to know more.

"You said just now you didn't want to see her. I think that was your stepmother right?"

He kept silenced but you saw he pursed his lips. As if holding himself not to tell about it. He sighed while looking down fidgeting his fingers.


"But why? Do you hate her?"

He looked to the front and kept his eyes to the front and he stopped there without averting his eyes.

"I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not but I felt betrayed more."


"She was my mother's bestfriend. They're really closed that people thought they were sisters. I too was so closed with her and Yoongi. But, after my mother died not even a month I found out that she married to my father. I was so mad and I thought she was just after my father's money and not because she loved my father. They're got married so quick that I can't help being suspicious. I got fought with my father after that and he told me to get out of the house. I never been there sought after. Today was the first time I went back."

You nodded listening to him. "What about your father?"

Jungkook leaned back on the bench. "I'm not really close with my father. Since childhood, I rarely spent time with him. He was so busy to even be at home. All I remembered was most holidays I just spent it with my late mother."

You looked at him.

"I remember once I asked mother why father neglecting us. Doesn't he loved us anymore but mother said he was just busy but I didn't feel satisfied so I asked father but..." he paused a while. "...he scolded me and ignored me. My child thought that he didn't love me and I told that to my mother. Instead she said that my father loved me but it was just her fault. She made father became like that. I didn't understand why she said that because I saw her as a kind and loving mother. I never imagined she did something wrong. I asked her the reasons but unfortunately till her death I didn't receive any answers. I look for anything so that I can know but I was left hanging with confusion. I didn't ask my father knowing he ignored me again." You couldn't help but looked at him. He turned to you and you saw sadness in his beautiful brown orbs. You rubbed his arms to ease his sadness. Jungkook pulled you to hug and he sniffled to the crook of your neck. You responded by hugging and rub his back up and down slowly. You felt wet on your shoulders as his tears sliding down on it.

"It's okay. I'm here." You tried to console him. He hugged you tighter. Few minutes passed but both of you still in the same stance. He then let you go but quickly pulled your hand and intertwined his hand with you moving it to his lap. 

"Thank you." He said. You nodded and slightly gripped your hand that in his as a sign you understood him.

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