Chapter 34

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"You sit here. I need to take something from my room." Jungkook told you to sit after you both arrived at his parents house. You didn't meet his parents yet. You were greeted by the maid and she showed you to the living room.

The house was so big. It consists of two floors with each wings had long hallways divided by the stairs in the center and you just saw the lobby hall and main living room. You thought that the house was similar to your parents house but it was slightly bigger. You looked around but you stopped at the framed picture on your left side. There was a portrait of a man. He was older, looked like he's around your father's age. You guessed that was Jungkook's father. He had similar features with Jungkook.

"Oh, we have a guest. Welcome dear." You turned to the voice. There stood a woman in the front door. She looked neat and elegant even though she just wore a simple dress. A mother figure. You stood up and slightly bowed to her. She smiled and came forward.

"Please be seated. I heard you came with Jungkook. Do you want a drink?" She politely asked.

"It's okay madame." You too politely refused.

"Please, you should have a drink. I bring you juice." She called one of the maid to come and ordered her to bring the juice. She then seated next to you.

"Jungkook never bring his friends here. Only Hyunjoo came here. That's also because he worked with Jungkook's father before so he always here. We think him as our son also.
So, I'm glad that you come with him. You were the first and you are a woman." She smiled.

You raised your brows. The way she talked was looked like Jungkook rarely came here. You were also triggered that you were the first woman Jungkook brought in. You felt giddy but at the same time nervous because she was checking on you right now.

"Oh really, thank you. I was being asked to come with him. By the way, I'm Kim Y/n, Jungkook's secretary madame.."

"Oh, please call me Aunty Yooni. No need to be formal here. I'm Jungkook-,"

"What are you doing here?" her word was cut by Jungkook's stern voice. Jung kook was looking at her with kind of slightly mad face. You looked at him and he was clenched his jaws. You felt weird.

"I'm just greet her Jungkook."

"I don't need your hospitality."

"But she is our guest-"

"You don't need to entertain her."

"Jung kook! Please behave." Another voice was heard. You looked at the owner of the voice. The man from the portrait. And he was on a wheelchair. You quickly stood up and bowed to the elder.

"Oh please. Sit down young lady. I'm sorry for my son's rude behavior." You didn't know what to do you just stood up. You were confused by the situation now. Why Jungkook was mad at his mother?

"Please sit down." You nodded and sat. The woman was walking to her husband and pushed the wheelchair to the blank space in front the coffee table that was just opposite your seat. They walked passing by Jungkook who stood silent watching both of them taking their places. He then walked to you holding something in his hand. An envelope. He sat down next to you still looking mad. You didn't bother to ask him. You just fell silent.

The maid came brought drinks and put it on the coffee table. She nodded and bowed then left. There was silence in the room and you felt you couldn't sit down properly going through the whole situation in uncomfortable way.

"Jung kook. I'm glad you come son." The man finally spoke. Jung kook nodded. His expression turned soft at his father condition.

"And you young lady. Welcome to my humble house."

You smiled at him. "It's my pleasure sir."

He nodded his head. "Please have a drink. You too Jungkook. By the way, You name miss?"

He looked at you. You took a gulp and looked at Jungkook. He nodded and you looked back to the elder. "My name is Kim Y/n, sir." The man nodded again.

"I heard that you are his secretary."

"Yes, I-"

"She's my woman." Jung kook cut you off. All of you except Jungkook was shocked at his sudden confession. You looked at him in disbelief but he just shrugged. Later, you heard a laugh echoed in the room. Both of you turned to the voice.

"I'm sorry. My bad. I was so happy that I laughed. Finally, you bring your woman to introduce to us. I've been waiting my son." The elder wiped his tears. Woman next to him also wiping her tears. She too was happy.

"I thought this was the right time to come and introduced her to you."

You leaned to Jungkook and whispered to him. 'What are you doing? We didn't even declare anything.'

He then whispered back to you. 'Yeah I know. But I think I can't wait anymore. I want you. Not that I'm forcing you but just wanted you to know how much I want you.' He backed away and smirked. You glared at him but knowing you can't do anything in front of his parents, he grinned evilly. You wanted to smack him but you gave up. You couldn't because you also wanted him. You were in love with him. You smiled shyly and looked down. You felt embarrassed to face his parents.

"Finally, you bring good news my little brother." Everyone in the room turned to the voice.

The Boss And Me (Jungkookxreader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now