Chapter 50

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Jungkook slowly opened and blinked his eyes to adjust with the light. He groaned in pain as he felt stinged on his head. He tried to reach his head but his hand couldn't move.

He realized then his hand was tied and he himself was being tied to a chair.

He opened his eyes widely as he found out that he was somehere looked like an abandoned factory. He looked around to find something that could catch his eyes.

There was nothing except pile of large wooden boxes and plastic barrels in the area. He saw to his left there was a door but he guessed it was locked and it's the only door to exit.

He tried to move his body but it was to tight and he still felt the pain from previous event. He was thinking why he in a such place and condition. What was he did that he to be in this situation.

Suddenly he remembered about you. His mind couldn't help but felt this was connected with your missing. He tried to move his hand in hope that the rope will be slightly loose but nothing. He was devastated. Felt useless so he gave up while looking the floor.

He heard the door was unlocked and someone came in. He looked at the person. He looked familiar but Jungkook didn't remember his name.

"I see you're awake Jeon Jungkook."

"You know me?"

The guy nodded his head.

"What do you want from me?"


Jungkook furrowed his brows. "Nothing? Then why am I here?"

"You're a hindrance."

Jungkook was confused. "What?"

"You see. I don't really know you but I guess you do know Y/n right?"

"What happened to her? Don't you dare touch her." Jungkook spatted at him.

"Oh. You don't have to worry. She's fine. She is in a good care."

Jungkook didn't even fazed. He was not believe what that guy said.

"I don't believe you."

"It doesn't matter anyway either you want to believe or not."

"What do you want?"

"As I said, you're a hindrance."

Jungkook getting annoyed. "Of what?"

"Oh, you don't know yet. Y/n is actually at her father's house. She is going to marry someone."

"No. She is not going to marry anyone."

"Now you do understand the word hindrance means. You're not going to stop for the engagement to happen. They're started preparing for it now. While, she be someone else's wife, you're here without anyone know your whereabout."

"Let me go."

"Tsk tsk. Not that easy fella. I'm going now. You can take your time to do anything you want."

"Wait. I think I know you. Why are you doing this to me?"

The guy heaved a sigh. "How many times do I have to repeat myself that you're a hindrance." He then walked away to the door.

"You should kill me just then." He stopped his moved and turned to Jungkook.

"No. Not yet. I want you to witness Y/n wed to someone else. After that, I will think about it."

He started to move but he halted again. "By the way, aren't you curious with whom Y/n is getting married to?" He asked Jungkook.


There was silence before the guy said. "It's me. Park Jimin. Nice to meet you anyway."

Jungkook looked at him with disgusted. He felt angered, he didn't realize he clutched his hand too much it's started to bruise.

"Huh. That's why I said I know you. You're the one with Namjoon aren't you."

"Yes I am."

"Does Namjoon involve in this as well?"

"You don't have to know about that."


"One last thing. There is a secret you should know Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook gritted his teeth. "What is it?"

"I am Jiwoon's father."

He smirked and walked away. He opened the door and started talking to someone outside.

"You guys take care of him. Just don't kill him. I'm going now."

By then, Jungkook saw a few guys came in and walked towards him.

The Boss And Me (Jungkookxreader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now