Chapter 33

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This chapter is a dedication to my fellow readers @rest09, @RJ130613, @Tiara_688 and others.

Thank you for spending your time to read and votes

Hope you all like it~~~


Jimin was sitting on the corner of his bed. He was too engrossed in his thought that he didn't realize his mother came sat next to him.

"Baby. What are you thinking?" His mother spoke softly putting her hand on his shoulder. Jimin jolted surprised by the action and looked at his mother.


"What are you thinking dear?"

Jimin turned his body at his mother and took both her hands in his.

"Mom. I have something to tell you."

He looked at his mom. Slowly, his mother brushed his hair few times with her hand and looked at him with the eyes of a loving mother. Jimin smiled. He knew his mother was a lovely and caring person.

"What is it dear?"

"Do you remember that I'd told you once that I impregnated a girl?" Jimin look at her with a curious face. She looked shocked but her eyes turned to normal later.

"Yes. I still remember. What about her?" She asked even though in her heart she didn't like to hear it. 

"I met her mom." Suddenly, the room was so quiet that you could even heard the needle fell sound so clearly. Jimin felt the tension in the air that he felt his breath was hitched.

"You met her? What did she wants with you?" His mother asked slowly but he could tell that his mother was uneasy by the uncomfortable sound of her words.

"She didn't want anything. I'm the one who wanted to meet her."

"But why Jimin? She made your life became disaster."

"No mom. I'm the one who destroyed her life." He finally told the truth. The truth that he kept for long. His mother was too shocked. She clasped her hand to her mouth and shook her head not wanting to believe the words that came from her son's mouth.

"So all this while you were lying to us? That she's the one who trapped you?"

"Yes and I'm so sorry mom. I was so scared and too young to be a father at that time. I thought I could shove the problem once I went abroad. But, I couldn't. I was okay just for a while. But, the feeling of guilt I had was so much that I couldn't surpress anymore. Plus, I met her brother there and he became my best friend. Like God didn't let me ran away from this."

"Oh my god. So, the girl that bear your child was the daughter of Kim Taejoon, Kim Y/n?" His mother asked eagerly knowing the truth. He nodded agreeing. He then let his head down tried to accept anything that came from his mother. He thought the worst.

"Oh, Jimin." Jimin was surprised when he being pulled to hug. 

"Mom. You're not mad?"

"I'm not. I was just so surprised. But to be honest, I don't really like to hear the news at first. Moreover, you didn't tell me who was the girl. I thought she was just some common girls or your one night stands. Don't get offended. I knew what you did back then. But, I have to admit, it was our fault too. We didn't stop you from being such a brat. I'm sorry that we abandoned you and let you handled it all alone." her hugged getting tighter and Jimin could felt that his mother was crying.

"Mom, please that's my fault. Don't cry mom. Both you and dad didn't do anything wrong."

His mother let go her hug and wiped her tears. Jimin too, wiping her tears on her other cheeks with his thumb.

"Oh, dear. I just want your happiness but didn't actually realize that we ruined your life."

"No, mom. I am happy now. Please, you both did great. I'm the one who just being a brat."

Both of them laughed at Jimin last words. His mother took his hand and rubbed it.

"So what are you going to do now Jimin?"

"I want to take the responsibility. I want to marry Y/n and take her and my child to live with me."

"Did she agree?"

Jimin heaved a big sigh. "That's the problem. She didn't. She hated me."

"Oh. Do you love her?"

"I do that's why I want to marry her."

"But she might have someone else now. You left her for years dear."

Jimin stopped talking for a while. He never thought about that. But, in his heart he do really believed that you were still single. If not, you might be married for years by now.

"You don't have to give up son. Go and show your love to her. Prove it to her that you want her."

Jimin looked at the door to the voice. He smiled after that. His father too was listened to them. And he was grateful that his father gave his consent.

"I will dad."

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