Chapter 12

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You were helping Hyunjoo with some documents in Hyunjoo's room when Jungkook went to you both.

"You two are here. I need help with something,"

"What is it?" Hyunjoo asked.

"I need you to compare these two quotations. Give me pros and cons between both of them and send me the result. Can you finish it by tomorrow Hyunjoo?" He gave a file to Hyunjoo. Hyunjoo took it and looked inside it. He nodded a few times.

"Yes. I think I can finish it tomorrow."

"Y/n, please help me find the files in this list. Go to the Governance Department and ask the officer there to help you retrieve the files needed. Once you retrieved, bring those files to my office ASAP."

You nodded and took the list and quickly went to the elevator. You touched the 10th floor button and waited but before the door closed someone was holding it. You quickly hold the wait button and let the person came in.

"Oh it's you Mr. Kim."

"Oh Y/n. Where are you going?" Taehyung stood beside you after he touched the button to the floor he wanted to go.

"I'm going to the Governance Department to retrieve some files for Mr. Jeon."

"Oh. Busy as usual." He said while smiling. You smiled as well.

"Where are you from Mr. Kim?" You asked knowing his office was not in the same floor they're went in the elevator.

"Oh I just went to Jungkook's room to send the monthly budget report he asked. Couldn't spend the time longer as he was so busy. I just walked in, give the file and boom...out." He told you.

"Oh. I didn't see you coming to Mr. Jeon office just now."

"I use my power being invisible that's why you don't see me." He joked. You laughed.

"It's funny Mr. Kim but seriously I didn't see you."

"I went to the office when Jungkook was in Hyunjoo's room talking to both of you." You nodded.

The elevator stopped at 19th Floor and Taehyung stepped out and he turned while waving at you. You waved back and closed the elevator door. You then reached the destination and quickly went to do your job.


You knocked the door while holding the files on your left arm. You waited for a while and a firm voice said 'come in'. You turned the knob and walked in. You stood in front of his desk.

"Sir. These are the files you're looking for." You put down the files on the table. He nodded. You started to turn when suddenly he asked you to stay.

"Please help me find some information in those files you get. Note down all the information in this paper." He gestured you to sit down on the sofa next to his desk.

"I'll take these files with me." You asked his permission.

"Sure. Go ahead."

You sat down and started searching the information. Sometimes, you asked about something you confused and he went to you to help you find the answer. Both of you so immersed with the work you didn't realize time fled so fast.

You looked at the watch and took your phone and sent a message to Jiwoon's nanny that you might came home late. You asked her helped to take care of Jiwoon a bit longer and she replied by saying okay. You looked at Jungkook's direction. He was still focused on his work and you admired the way he being hardworking. You didn't realize that you stared at him made him looked up at you. You flustered and quickly looked down continued your work.


Jungkook was looking at you after he felt being stared at. He saw you quickly looked down. He smiled a bit. He doesn't know why he was okay of you stared at him. If it was other girl, he totally was not okay and not comfortable. Maybe he knew that you had no other intention so that's why he felt comfortable with it.

He continued his work. A lot of things needed to be done. After a while, a knock was heard and came in Hyunjoo. He brought with him a box of pastries and two iced latte. He put it in front of you and offered you to take a pastry.

"Jungkook. Come here. Have a rest a bit and eat this."

Jungkook stood up and walked to the sofa. He sat on the single sofa next to you while Hyunjoo on the other side meanwhile you were in the middle of three-tier sofa. He took a sip and grabbed a pastry to eat. You followed him.

"Are there still a lot to do?" Hyunjoo asked. Jungkook nodded.

"Actually I want to finish it by today. There's not more left. Y/n is helping me."

"Can I help too? I already finished the task you given to me." Hyunjoo offered.

"Sure. Help Y/n sort out the information. I need that as a backup document for our project."

"Is this for the upcoming project bidding?"

"Yes and I already received some information that our rival has prepare so much. I want us to be ready too."

Hyunjoo nodded absorbed the words. The three of you later continued the task after that.

The Boss And Me (Jungkookxreader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now