Chapter 26

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Next day, Jungkook was doing his job as usual when his office phone rang and he retrieved the call.

"Jungkook. There's someone who wants to see you right now. You wouldn't believe who's coming." Hyunjoo said on the other receiver.

"Really. Let the person in." 

"Right on." Jungkook chuckled over Hyunjoo playful voice. He continued his work while waiting for his guest to come in. Double knock on the door and he said 'come in' letting Hyunjoo came in with the guest. Jungkook raised his brows not expecting the guy came. He curved up his lips a bit and got up.

"Please sit down Kim Namjoon ssi. I didn't expect you will come to my small office." 

The guest smirked while Hyunjoo gestured him to his seat. He nodded to Hyunjoo and settling himself to the chair.

"Can I offer you a drink?"

"I would like to have a cup of tea."

"Sure. Hyunjoo please bring two cups of tea."

"Yes sir." Hyunjoo bowed left both of them alone. Jungkook looked over to his guest.

"What a surprise visit Kim Namjoon ssi."

"Yes. I've always wanted to come to see you." He said in a calm manner.

"There must be a reason you wanted to see me. It's quite rare for enemies to visit each other."

Namjoon chuckled. "Yes, but I didn't see you as my enemy. Yes, you are my rival and yes I have a reason to see you. It's kind of personal rather than business thing."

Jungkook furrowed his brows. "Personal reason?"

Namjoon nodded. "I heard you have a worker named  Yoo Y/n."

Jungkook again furrowed his brows. Namjoon knew Y/n? How impressive. It made him wondered who really Y/n was.

"Yes. She is my secretary."

"I want to see her."


You resting yourself on the bed after being scolded by Miyoon countless time for you to get rest. What a lucky day today that you caught a fever. Noted the sarcasm. You sighed while a wet towel was laid on your forehead. Actually you didn't really needed it. But Miyoon forcefully put it on you after she threatened to tie you on the bed all day long. 

You got up and put the towel in the small basin next to you. You went to your bathroom to freshen your face. You put your hand on your forehead.

'It was just a slight fever. Thank god'

You looked to the mirror. Your face was bloated and you eyes was full of dark circles and puffy. 'It's the effect of too much crying last night.' 

You were alone now as Miyoon took Jiwoon out to play. You were thirsty so you decided to go to the kitchen to grab a drink. You just took a gulp of water when you heard the bell rang. You walked slowly to the door and turned the knob to open.

Your eyes went big by the sudden appearance of someone you didn't want to see right now. You clutched your hands on the door frame.

"Ho-how do you know I live here?" You were stuttering. Gosh, you hate it when you stuttered in front of him.

"Can you let me in?" He asked.

"I don't want to see you."

"Please Y/n. We really need to talk."

"We don't have anything to talk Jimin."

"We do and we should. Please Y/n." 

You glared at him but eventually you gave up and let him in. Because you knew him too well. He's a one hella of stubborn person. You walked to the living room still in your pajamas. Jimin realized that but he kept silenced following you to the sofa. You gestured him to seat and you sat on the other side.

You crossed your arm and your leg while your gaze still on his. You felt your headache came again but you choose to ignore it.

"What is it that you want to talk about. Make it short and fast. I don't like to have you here."

Jimin pursed his lips while looking at you. "You're change Y/n. You're too cold."

"Oh, really. Who's the one that made me like this?" You asked sarcastically.

"I'm sorry Y/n. I'm at fault."

"Finally you admit. After all these years, you finally admitted that you are wrong. Well, congratulations but I don't need your sorry. If you are done, please get out now."

"We're not done yet."

"What is it now and do you know Namjoon oppa?" You suddenly remembered last night event. The thought of Jimin chasing you at Namjoon oppa's party came in your mind.

"I'm your brother's friend and we are a joint partner."

You were surprised and suddenly felt scared. "Does he knows...?"

Jimin shook his head. "No. I never told him. I wanted to confront with you first before letting him know."

"You sure do know what will happen to you if he knew."

"Yes but I'm willing to accept it if you're willing to forgive me." You shook your heads numerous times. Your head were slowly felt the pain but it couldn't beat the hurts in your heart. You were too hurt of what Jimin did to you. It's hard to forget although you didn't put a blame on him hundred percent. You were at fault too. You were too young and fool to trust him at that time.

You rubbed your head to ease the pain. Jimin saw it and suddenly got up and massaged your temple but your pushed his hand.

"Don't touch me."

"But Y/n. You're in pain and you have a fever." He touched your forehead with his palm. You pushed his hand again.

"I said don't touch me."

"I will, I will but Y/n please have a rest. I'm going out to buy a medi-"

"I already have it. I just want you to go out."

Jimin let out a defeated sigh and eventually got up. You too got up and walked to the door and opened it. Jimin understood the signal and walked to it. He stood in front of you.

"I'll come to see you again next time. We still have things to talk."

"There's no more Jimin."

"Yes it is. It's about our child." You shot your head up. He stared deeply into your eyes but you too didn't want to give up. Your eyes flashed a flare of hatred.

"He's my son. Mine."

"He's ours."

"GET OUT JIMIN." You pushed him to go out and slammed the door.   

The Boss And Me (Jungkookxreader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now