Chapter 1: MM-Turbo

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"I can't tell how weird it felt to be the one who needed saving," Kim said as she, Kat, Tanya, and Trini walked to the picnic tables in the park so she could tie her shoelace.

"It must've been weird," Trini agreed, "I'm actually kind of sad I missed this adventure. I couldn't make it back in time."

"Trust me Trini, you can live without it," Kim assured her while bent over.

Kat hopped up on the table and sat on her hands, unaware that she was pressing on her communicator, "Tommy was really worried about you Kim."

At the juice bar, all the guys, Rocky included, had congregated to simply sit back and relax after all the stress. Tommy heard Kat's voice coming from his wrist. He looked at his communicator, he heard Kim say, "Yeah I know, I was kind of worried at first, you know... about coming back." Tommy quickly covered his arm again as a couple passed by and leaned forward to talk to the others.

"Hey guys come listen to this," Tommy gestured to the hall and the boys followed. The red turbo ranger pulled up his sleeve again and they all heard Trini say, "It must have been awkward seeing him again." Then Kim said, "Yeah kind of."

"Oh my god," Adam's jaw dropped.

"We have so got to hear this," Rocky said enthusiastically.

"I don't know," Justin put in uneasily. "They'll be really mad if they find out."

"They won't find out bud," Jason assured the youngest ranger. "This here is a golden opportunity for you to learn about girls, something that is going to be highly significant in later life." Justin just shrugged at they all settled on a bench to listen in.

Kat – "Is it bad that even though he was in danger I still noticed was how hot Jason had gotten when I first saw him?"

"Oh really Katherine?" Jason asked smugly.

Kim – "Don't worry sweetie, I had some serious issues with my jaw when he picked me up from the airport."

"Well, well, well," Jason leaned back like a king.

"Don't flatter yourself," Rocky said dismissively.

"I don't have to, the girls are doing for me," Jason pointed out with a grin.

Kim – "Although Tommy is still gorgeous."

"Why thank you Kim," Tommy looked at Jason.

"Whatever man," Jason waved a hand like swatting flies.

Trini – "Kim do you remember when every single girl at Angel Grove High would trail after Tommy and Jason?"

Kim – laughing "Of course I do, Tommy used to swear up and down he didn't enjoy it but I saw him flex more than once, the little liar."

"Hey it wasn't every day the captain of the cheerleading squad winked at you," Tommy defended himself with a grin.

"It was for us," Jason quipped and the two fist-bumped.

Kim – "Jason was the worst though."

"Was NOT!"

Kim – "He actually used to pose off against the lockers, leg bent, pushing his hair back."

"Okay maybe I was," Jason scratched his forehead.

Kat – "Those two really sound like a double act."

Kim – "They were, Jason and Tommy," sighing.

Trini – "So what's the deal? Do you still like him or..."

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