Chapter 10: Operation Overdrive: Once A Ranger Once A Ranger, Twice A Fool

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Another mission complete, another lull. At least the Overdrive rangers had some company this time in the form of the former rangers. The boys opted for video games while the girls went off on their own. None of the men, I mean none of them, were going to ask where they went or anything that involved getting near them. Each of them knew for a fact that that would lead to disaster. The temptation was there but nothing was going to make them take it until –

Spencer appeared in the living room, "Gentlemen dinner is almost ready."

"Thanks Spencer," Mack nodded.

"Ah Master Mack, if you would so kind as to call the ladies. I need to tend to my soufflé." Spencer somehow maintained his stiff measured pace but still got out of there fast enough that Mack couldn't respond. The rest actually stopped playing to look at the red ranger who remained in his spot.

"Go on Mack," Xander smirked. "Go find the girls."

"Don't get me started tree boy," Mack grumbled. "There is no way I'm going."

"But you have to," Adam reminded him. "You wouldn't want them to miss dinner."

"Why don't you go?" Mack shot back. "You're the mature one here."

"Exactly, I'm wise enough to know not to go," Adam shrugged.

"Why? What's wrong going to look for the girls?" Tyzonn asked.

"Long story man, let's just say it never ends well," Adam grinned.

"Then I'm not going," Tyzonn immediately backed off.

Mack groaned, "Dax please man..."

"Oh no way," Dax laughed at the ceiling. "You're on your own buddy."

Mack looked ready to bash his head against the wall, "Will? Bridge?"

Will shook his head, "Uh-uh."

Bridge made show of getting comfortable, "Sorry dude."

Mack huffed and got to his feet, "Either you come with me voluntarily or I MAKE you come along anyway. Either way, I am not going alone."

"What makes you think you can make us come with you to certain doom?" Adam raised an eyebrow.

"You're not curious?" Mack asked with a glint in his eye and the others fidgeted in their seats. "Ty, where's your sense of adventure? I thought you were braver than that. Will, are you still on the top of Ronny's list? How do you know that one of the new guys haven't booted you out? Dax, there is other set of girls up there; you might be on the top of theirs. Adam, you told all of us about your time, do you think you still have that sweet charm? And Xander Bly, Mr. Personality, wouldn't you like to know the effect you've had on these girls? Bridge, buddy, you're heading back to the future soon but how cool would it be to go out with a ranger girl from this time? I bet it'd beat eating toast all day. Think about it." Mack backed out of the room, chanting 'think about it.'

The room was silent, each of the men fighting their own internal battle. Finally, Dax made a helpless noise, "God I'm so weak sometimes." He flung himself from his seat and went after the red Overdrive ranger.

"A date would beat toast," Bridge admitted grudgingly, getting up too. "But only very narrowly."

Tyzonn drummed his fingers, "Oh what the hell! What's the worse than can happen?" He left.

"And then there were three," Adam chewed the inside of his cheek. "I'm not concerned," his statement was at complete odds with his stiff posture. "I know I haven't changed."

"Xander?" Will cocked an eyebrow.

"I have a girlfriend," said Xander holding up my hands. "And my girl has powers to zap me if I do anything stupid. Besides I know full well that my effect is still functioning, I have nothing to worry about."

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