Chapter 3: Lost Galaxy Error Venture

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Leo, Mike and Kai were having lunch together when Damon approached them. "Hey guys, sorry I'm late."

"No problem, I saved you a sandwich," Leo nudged a plate towards him.

"Thanks man," Damon attacked the food ravenously.

"Whoa easy there bro," Mike raised an eyebrow. "Remember to chew. How come you're so hungry?"

Damon swallowed thickly, "What else? Same thing that happens every time there's a battle. All the damage not only affects the buildings but the ship's internal wiring too. I've been making repairs since four this morning."

Leo shrugged, "Do you want any help? I don't mind, I'm partly responsible for it."

"Same here," Mike nodded.

"Me too," Kai joined in the conversation.

"That would be great," Damon said gratefully. "Come on, I'm working in the crew's quarters right now."

A little while later, armed with tool boxes and dressed the in overalls, the foursome made their way down the long line of rooms. Damon explained on the way, "All the ship's wiring is inter-connected, this way the power is used more efficiently. Unfortunately this means that if you mess with one thing, you mess with another. That last creep blasted a main cable and caused minor technical problems all over the place. We fixed the cable but some things were shorted out regardless." They came to a halt at the beginning of a long hallway. "Alright the lights, doors, and elevator panels needed to be checked and repaired. They're fairly simply but if you're stuck call me."

"The price to pay for safety from some intergalactic bugs," Leo said philosophically. He began to work on a light fixture as the others chose their own tasks. It was slow work but they managed to tackle the first hallway in a couple hours. They moved downstairs again began the whole process again. About twenty minutes in, Kendrix and Maya appeared.

"Hello boys," Maya said cheerfully.

"Hard at work I see," Kendrix poked the red ranger. "Leo I'm shocked."

"Hush you. So what can we do for you ladies?" Leo winked.

"I was coming to tell Damon the lights keep flashing at our end of the corridor." Kendrix jerked her thumb in that direction. "We could use some handymen down there, I've already fallen twice."

"Sure no problem," Damon gave them a winning smile. "We'll come check it out after we're done here."

"Thanks guys," the two waved as they walked away.

Thankfully there wasn't much to do on that end of hall so the guys were able to go the girls' side rather quickly. Damon cracked open the control panel and examined the wiring. "We have to shut off the lights so I can work with the wires." He entered a code and lights went off. All of sudden they heard a thud and Kendrix's voice from inside the door next to the control panel.

"UGH NOT AGAIN! I hope the boys get down here soon. I'm going to end up breaking something."

Maya's voice filtered through next, "You keep fussing around with something or the other. Just sit in one place and you won't fall down."

"I can't help it, I'm a fusser. I don't do sitting down."

Maya – "No but you can certainly do falling down."

Kendrix – "Oh very funny Maya."

"We shouldn't be listening to this," Kai attempted to move but Leo caught a hold of him.

"This has got to be the world's greatest opportunity to really get to know the girls and you're passing it up?" the red ranger asked incredulous voice. "You have got to be kidding me, are you going to sit there and tell me you're not remotely interested in what goes on in Kendrix's head?"

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