Chapter 12: RPM RPM: Really Persistent Males

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It was a momentous day for the people in Corinth. It had been two years since the Venjix virus had been eliminated and now, after intensive effort, the air quality had been dramatically improved and they could officially lift the dome. Fireworks were set off and there were already plans to expand the city and rebuild the surrounding ones. Amidst the renewed hope and celebration, the power rangers, Tenaya and Dr. K chose to remain at their old garage, sure they had gone outside to see the gigantic dome lifted but then they returned to watch the partying on TV as if it were a New Year's Day broadcast.

"I never realised how weird it would be to look up and not see the dome," Summer commented.

"Yeah but I like it, the world has been opened to us," Scott moved a hand around grandly. "I heard they're going to recycle all the metal from the Grinders and the factories for the rebuilding."

"Might as well put it to some use," Dillon shrugged. He stood up, "Anyway I think this celebration calls for some slices of Joe's famous pizza from around the corner, who wants to come?"

"Count me in," Flynn got out of his seat followed by Scott, Gem, and Ziggy.

"Ladies..." Dillon offered.

The four women looked at each other. "Nah you boys go ahead," Tenaya said. "Get me a slice of regular pepperoni."

"Hawaiian for me please," Summer requested.

"Me too," Gemma smiled.

"Dr. K you like mushrooms and sausage right?" Ziggy checked.

"Yes Ziggy, thank you," Dr. K replied.

"Alright then, I think we've got all of that. We'll be back." The boys waved as they walked away leaving the girls alone to chat amongst themselves. Half an hour later, arms laden with pizza, the boys returned to the garage only to be greeted by the sound of feminine giggling. None of them would ever know what made them do it but they immediately ducked behind Dillon's prized charger and sat down.

"Should we be doing this?" Ziggy asked but others just shushed him, crept closer to hear.

Tenaya – "Hey Summer, I got a question."

Summer – "Shoot."

Tenaya – "Just how badly do you think Dillon would freak out if I asked Scott to go out with me?"

Well the guys certainly knew the answer to this as Dillon went wide-eyed and started swivelling his head between Scott and the girls' general direction.

Summer – "I'd go with bad." So would the guys.

Tenaya – "Damn, I think Scott is pretty cute. Plus not a lot of guys are willing to look past the whole 'used to be evil' thing."

Gemma – "I guess it wouldn't be any better if I tell Gem that I like Flynn." Cue Gem and Flynn's jaws simultaneously hitting the floor.

Dr. K – "Gemma you never told me that."

Gemma – "I haven't told anybody. Gem is very protective of me, if he were to find out he'd probably threaten Flynn." That wasn't completely true, Gem was merely glaring intense daggers at Flynn though the underlying threat was loud and clear.

Summer – "But Flynn would never hurt you, in fact I think he rather likes you."

Gemma – "You think so?"

Summer – "Trust me, boys don't just invite you to help build weapons with them if they don't."

"Do you like her?" Gem peered at Flynn suspiciously.

"She's great, anyone would like her," Flynn replied evasively.

"But do you?" Scott pushed.

Flynn gave the red ranger a look, "How about I answer that around the same time you ask out Tenaya hmm?"

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