Chapter 14: MegaforceSuper Mega-Fail!

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It had been a few days since the wedding incident but the ranger boys were still talking about it. Of all the things they had done as rangers that certainly made the top of their craziest exploits list. They were currently on the school's soccer field watching Jake work on his kicks. Troy smirked, "I think Jake and Gia should do the next fake wedding, we all know how much Jake would love that."

"Oh ha ha," Jake rolled his eyes. "From the way you keep going on about it, I think you're just jealous Emma married Orion and not you."

"I'm not jealous," Troy denied but the others cocked eyebrows.

"Sure you're not," Noah rolled his eyes.

"Em as a cheerleader was more convincing than you," Orion snorted.

"You guys are crazy," Troy shrugged it off while the rest let it go, knowing they wouldn't be able to convince the red ranger.

At the Command Center...

Tensou was doing some minor repair work at one of the ranger stations when he accidently hit something that sent sparks flying. "Oh dear!" the little robot jumped. "I think I've scrambled the communications system!"

"Hurry and fix it Tensou," Gosei said in his deep bellowing voice. "The rangers could need it at any moment."

"On it Gosei!" Tensou hastened to fix his mistake. "Boy I hope this doesn't cause too much trouble."

Back on the soccer field...

The boys' communicators made strange noises and they immediately checked them but no one was saying anything and there seemed to be nothing wrong. At least that was the case until they heard a distinctly feminine laugh. "Hello?" Noah spoke into it.

"I still think you looked cute in the wedding dress," Gia's voice replied.

"What?" Orion made a face.

"It was like playing dress up and superheroes at the same time," Emma giggled.

"They can't hear us?" Troy supposed.

"Emma! Emma!" Jake all but shouted into his communicator but Emma carried on talking to Gia. "Guess not. But since we're here..."

"Jake come on," Noah hit the black ranger's arm. "We can't eavesdrop on the girls."

"We already have," Jake countered. "Let's just continue." Noah made an exasperated noise but didn't move while Orion and Troy didn't say anything though they continued to hold their morphers out.

Gia – "I can't believe you did all of that. You don't stop halfway."

Emma – "It was kind of fun."

Gia – "Bet you were disappointed with the groom though."

Emma – "What are you talking about? Orion was great."

Gia – "Yeah but if you got a choice, that's not who you'd want to marry."

Emma – "It was just pretend!"

Gia – "Pretend or otherwise, don't tell me you weren't wishing for your red ranger."

"Say what now?" Jake's jaw dropped.

"She's just joking," Troy tried to say but his grip on his morpher visibly tightened.

Emma – "Actually I wasn't, I didn't think I could keep a straight face if it had been him."

Gia – "Aww would you have blushed?"

Emma – "That and probably more. Squealing wouldn't have been off the table."

Gia – "I wonder who could get that kind of reaction from me, especially in a fake wedding."

Emma – "I would assume Jake is the answer here."

"Yeah me too," Jake pouted.

Gia – "No Jake would be the one blushing and squealing if anything."

The boys burst out laughing except for Jake, "NOT TRUE!" he insisted.

"No it's definitely true," Noah snickered.

Emma – "Oh come on, lighten up on the guy. He really likes you Gia."

Gia – "I know but it's just fun to tease him. He's adorable when he's all flustered."

"I guess I can accept that," Jake shrugged. "Not the manliest description in the world."

"Better than being the blushing groom," Troy reminded him slyly.

Gia – "I can just imagine Noah on his wedding day. He'd be so nervous, he'd start spouting all sorts of random facts and fidgeting all over the place."

"Do you really think I'd be like that?" Noah asked to a collection of nods.

Emma – "Orion would probably try to play cool but be super scared on the inside."

"I could barely handle a fake wedding, I don't want to even think about a real one," Orion shuddered.

Gia – "I can see that considering that how he was acting during the fake weddings."

Emma – "Wow, we're actually imagining all of us married someday. With normal lives, regular jobs, maybe even families."

"That is weird," Jake frowned. "But it shouldn't be though, should it?"

Gia – "Kind of hard to see around the ranger business but yeah, one day we'll stop being rangers and become just like the legendary ones that came before us."

Emma – "Makes you think about where they are now. Who they've become..."

Gia – "It's almost a scary thought, I mean how do you just stop?"

Emma – "Who knows, maybe we'll meet some and ask."

Gia – "I know one thing though, rangers or not, YOU GUYS ARE SO DEAD!" Gia's voice having gotten suddenly much louder made them all jump out of their skins. They turned to see the girls standing right behind them with their arms crossed, looking madder than they'd ever seen them.

"Uh I don't know about you but I'm going to start running now," Jake gulped and took off.

"Right behind ya buddy," Noah concurred before fleeing himself, the other two in tow.

"You're going to have to face us sometime!" Gia shouted after them. The boys just kept running and didn't stop until they had reached the cave housing the command center. They jogged those final steps into the relative safety of the inner sanctum. Tensou greeted them, "Rangers! Good to see you! Did you run here?"

"Ummm, yeah Tensou buddy, we did," Noah panted. "We uh...noticed there was something wrong with the communicators and uh..."

"Oh that was my fault," Tensou's wheels spun. "I was fixing some wiring when I tripped the communications systems. I just repaired it, good thing there wasn't any trouble eh?"

"Yeah," Orion said with poorly hidden sarcasm. "No trouble at all. Say, think we can crash here for a while?"

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