Chapter 15: Dino-Charge Charged Up

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Kendall and Shelby were in the lab working out whatever had caused the Cupid Charger to jam and go off a couple of weeks ago. They had to make sure neither the charger nor Shelby's dino charger were compromised as well as keep searching for the Aqua Energem and/or whoever was it. Needless to say, there was a lot of work to do and because of that, the boys had made themselves scarce. "You know," Shelby huffed. "Just once, I'd like the guys to not turn tail and run at the thought of working the lab."

"If it isn't training or working the café, they have no interest whatsoever," Kendall mused not looking away from her computer. "Personally I prefer not having them underfoot. You and Riley are fine. But Koda obviously doesn't know much about all of this, Tyler is out of his depth as well, and then there's Chase who you'd think might have picked up something but too hyper to sit still long enough for us to find out."

At the mention of Chase, Shelby smirked, "So...are you ever going talk about what happened between you and Chase that day?"

Kendall blinked rapidly, "What do you mean?"

"Well you were all worried about him and then next day, you barely looked at each other and when you did..." she trailed off deviously. Kendall was visibly nervous and fidgety. Shelby pressed her fingers against her mouth to stifle her giggles, it was such a strange thing to see their indomitable Ms. Morgan like this.

"When we did..." Kendall pressed, trying to sound annoyed but not coming anywhere near it.

"You blushed," Shelby announced loudly and Kendall's hands slipped on the keyboard, causing the computers to emit a loud beeping noise. "You alright there Ms. Morgan?"

"Fine," Kendall tried to compose herself. "I'm not sure what you think you saw Shelby but I certainly did NOT blush."

"Oh, were my eyes also lying when they saw Chase brush your hair back or the way he looked at you?"

Damn, why did Shelby have to be so observant? Kendall gave up and turned to meet her fate in the form of the pink ranger. "Okay, okay, something did happen but there isn't much of a story." Unbeknownst to either of them, the guys were listening in.


With Shelby and Kendall tied up at the lab, the guys had taken the opportunity to hit the park. This allowed each of them to do what they want. Riley was teaching Ivan chess, Tyler and Koda were sparring and naturally Chase was on his skateboard. All of that came to an end however the moment Koda's morpher went off. They abandoned everything to rush over but before they could say anything heard Ms. Morgan say, "Fine - I'm not sure what you think you saw Shelby but I certainly did NOT blush."

"What's going on?" Tyler asked confusedly.

Then they heard Shelby, "Oh, were my eyes also lying when they saw Chase brush your hair back or the way he looked at you?"

All eyes were on Chase who coughed self-consciously. "I don't think we should be listening to this, the girls are having a private conversation."

Unfortunately for him, they heard Kendall say, "Okay, okay, something did happen but there isn't much of a story."

"I think I wouldn't mind hearing this," Tyler grinned.

"I'm surprisingly okay with it myself," Riley concurred.

"Koda, Ivan you can't possibly be alright with this!" Chase insisted.

Koda indeed did look worried but Riley reassured, "Don't worry buddy, the girls won't be mad at you."

"My chivalry as a knight of Zandar dictates that I should not be party to this but I am certainly interested in Ms. Morgan's tale," Ivan shrugged.

Chase might have argued more but Kendall had already begun –

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