Chapter 5: Timeforce-Wildforce Time For, Wildforce

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"GOT IT!" Taylor yelled triumphantly, tackling Eric to the ground to get her book back. They were both breathless and laughing. Taylor got up and dusted herself off, "Now if you'll excuse me, officer, I'm quite thirsty now and would like a drink." With a smirk, she left the quantum ranger sprawled on the sandy ground.

At the picnic table, Alyssa and Jen stood with coconut shells in hand watching her approach. "Looks like someone is enjoying themselves," Jen teased.

"Yeah, you and Eric seem to be really getting along now," Alyssa commented.

Taylor shrugged innocently, "he isn't so bad I guess."

"Who isn't so bad?" Trip asked coming out from behind the tree. All three women shut their mouths as the innocent green ranger grabbed a piece of fruit. "Did I say something wrong?" he asked worriedly, frowning at their silence.

"No Trip," Jen assured her friend. "It's just girl talk you know."

"OH," Trip went back to smiling, "okay then, see you." He left and the girls huddled closer together.

"There are too many guys around for this type of conversation," Jen whispered.

"Leave it to me," Taylor carefully looked around, taking note of where all the men were before discreetly going to Princess Shayla. "Princess, is there anywhere private for some, you know, ladies time?" Shayla nodded, cutting a glance at Merrick who was speaking with Wes and Cole.

"Tell the others," Shayla winked.

Taylor nodded and went back to Alyssa and Jen, "Let's round everyone up." The guys weren't exactly oblivious to this, in fact, they noticed the girls scurrying around, conversing in each other's ears but didn't think anything of it until they started walking away as a group.

"EH!" Max shouted. "Where are you going?"

"Girl time!" yelled back Alyssa. "See ya boys." 'BYE!' the women all chorused disappearing into the trees.

The others came together to discuss this development. "I wonder what they're up to," Cole speculated. "They could have easily talked without having to leave."

Wes clapped Cole's shoulder, 'There are just some things that females don't discuss around males."

"Like what?" Danny asked.

"Like other males," Lucas answered. "They're probably talking about guys, maybe even us. You know -what they really think."

"Hey that makes sense," Trip understandingly. "After what I heard Taylor say."

Eric immediately jumped in, "What did Taylor say?" Trip realised he must've said too much and was reluctant to respond. "Trip...we're all friends here. No one is going to be upset with you."

"She said, 'he isn't so bad' but when I asked who they wouldn't tell me."

"If only we knew where they were going." Wes smirked, "We could do a little investigating."

"I know where they went," Merrick supplied with grin. "Mermaid cove. It was the worst and best kept secret among the women in Animaria back in the old days. All the men knew about it but didn't know where it was. Except Shayla slipped up and told me once, I bet she's hoping I don't remember."

"Do you?"

"Of course, we can go now," Merrick offered. There wasn't an ounce of debate to be had, they all unanimously agreed and set off for the cove. The trek through the more jungle-like area of the Animarium was surprisingly easy but then again their guide did know which paths to take and which to avoid. It wasn't long before the sounds of rushing water and feminine laughter reached their ears. At Merrick's direction they veered off into a thick patch of trees on an elevated plane overlooking the cove. Carefully parting the leaves, they could see a mini waterfall pouring into a stone basin. A mermaid had been crudely carved on one side of the rock. The girls were scattered about the area, laughing and joking happily.

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