Chapter 13: SamuraiSuper Samurai Suckers

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You know when guys joke about being the doghouse? Most of the time they mean getting the silent treatment and having to sleep on the couch; but alas the same could not be said for the samurai boys. They were literally outside, forced to sleep in tents until the girls finally forgave them. If you were to ask whose fault it was, Mike and Antonio's names would get bounced around a lot. Truthfully it was their fault as a whole but it was simpler just to blame certain people in the hope that at least one of them could have access to their beds. How did they come to be in such a predicament? It all started with a phone call...

Lauren had come home so the girls had gone out for the day and the boys were at home involved in their own pursuits. Antonio had been working on the samuraizers when something he did caused it to malfunction and spark, leading him to stumble on to a very opportune moment. Voices started issuing from the samuraizers and at first he thought it was a radio signal that he picked up until he recognized Mia's voice saying, "I think that would look cute on you."

At the same time Mike entered the room, "What's going on? Messing with the samuraizers again?"

"Yeah," Antonio replied. "I think I've crossed signals with girls."

"What do you mean?"

"Listen," Antonio gestured to the equipment.

They heard Emily say, "Mia do you think Mike will like that jacket we saw in the other shop?"

"I'm sure he'll love it."

"Oh my god," Mike's jaw dropped. "How the hell did you that?"

"No idea," Antonio shrugged, "But I'll get it fixed -"



Mike shook his head like he was disappointed, "We get a chance to eavesdrop and you're just going to throw it away?"

"Oh so what do you think we should do?" Antonio challenged.

"We do this," Mike went over to the hall, "JAYDEN! KEVIN! GET IN HERE!" The red and blue ranger walked in.

"Where's the fire?" Jayden asked casually.

Mia – "I wonder if Jayden would like some new shoes, his have been looking a little worn lately."

"That answer your question?" Mike grinned.

"Are you eavesdropping on the girls?" Kevin demanded.

"It was a happy accident," Mike replied unrepentantly. "But if it's beneath you we could shut it off..."

The blue and red rangers were silent for a long moment. They weren't condoning this per say but they certainly weren't saying no either. Perhaps they figured in silence, they couldn't claim responsibility but they were oh so wrong. Mike, of course, took it as assent and gestured for them all to gather around to hear the girls properly.

Emily – "Hey I'm getting a call from Lauren. I'll put her on three-way."

Mia – "Great."


Lauren – "Hello?"

Mia – "Hey Lauren!"

Emily – "Can you hear us?"

Lauren – "Yeah. I need your opinion on something. Which is better for going to Kevin's swim meet; jeans or skirt?"

Mia – "Go with the skirt, the air by the pool is always so moist, I end up feeling all icky in jeans. Besides you've got great legs for a skirt."

Emily – "I'm sure Kevin would agree, heaven knows he's been watching them long enough."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jayden turned to Kevin.

"I have no idea what she's talking about," Kevin said immediately.

"Yeah right," Antonio scoffed. "Even I've caught you."

Mia – "Are you still getting the jacket for Mike Emily?"

Emily – "Yep, can't wait for him to try it on. It will look amazing."

Lauren – "How long have you two been together now?"

Emily – "Almost a year now. Time really flies by."

Mia – "What are you doing for your anniversary?"

Emily – "Don't know yet. Mike says he's got a surprise planned so I'm letting him takeover."

Lauren – "That's so sweet."

Emily – "He's great."

Mia – "Now if only Lauren and I could find such good boys."

Lauren – "If only."

Emily – "How are Kevin and Jayden supposed to know you're interested without you actually expressing any interest?"

"Say what now?" Jayden gaped.

"You really didn't notice?" Mike looked at him funnily. "I mean seriously dude, she did fake marry you a whole bunch of times without complaining."

"That's just because she's a romantic...right?" The other three noises of annoyance and exasperation.

Lauren – "My brother will come around, just don't give up on him yet."

Mia – "I hope so. I just wish-" What Mia wished for they would never know because at the moment Ji came in startling all the boys.

"Guys -"

"JI!" The four exclaimed, Antonio actually jumped and knocked the samurai setup to the ground and it sparked.

He knelt down to pick it up carefully, "Woah I hope that didn't break them."

Mia – "What's going on? I swear I just heard Antonio."

"You can hear us?!" Mike shouted without thinking.

"MIKE!" Jayden, Kevin, and Antonio bellowed, suddenly Ji was nowhere to be seen.

Lauren – "Oh my god you were listening to our conversation!"

Emily – "Just wait until I get my hands on you Mike, you're going to regret this!" The girls cut out and the guys seriously considering making a run for it.

Mike groaned, "I'm already regretting this just thinking about it."

"Idiot," Kevin glared daggers at him.

Being the brave samurai warriors that they were, the guys decided to face the consequences like they should and stayed at the dojo knowing it would take long for the women to return and deliver punishment. Sure enough, the girls came back not fifteen minutes later looking murderous. They opened their mouths to speak but one finger from Lauren stopped them cold.

"Not a word, not one word," Lauren growled, nostrils flared, eyes bright. "We've only got two words for you."

"Get out," Mia hissed, throwing a bunch of bag at them that they struggled to catch.

"What's all this?" Mike had caught a particularly heavy one.

"Tents, sleeping bags," Emily replied snippily. "Everything you need to be somewhat comfortable in the backyard."

"Why?" Kevin dared to ask.

"Because none of us can guarantee we won't do something to you while you're asleep!" Lauren informed faux-politely. "NOW OUT!"

At first they thought the girls were just trying to scare them but no, they did intend to make the boys sleep outside that night. They begged Ji to plead their case however the man told them that a wise warrior needs to recognize when he outnumbered so it was that they stayed as they were. They were allowed inside for some things like food, clothes, and the amenities but other than that, if they tried to come in the girls would simply death glare them out of the house again. Don't worry, it didn't last long, about three nights until the girls took pity them when a skunk – ahem – snuck into their tents.

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