Chapter 6: Ninja Storm - Dino Thunder Ninja/Dino Thunder Storm

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After the Motocross tournament the girls left while the guys stayed behind to take some free runs on the track. Now they were making their way back to lab to join the ladies and relax before the Ninjas had to head home.

"Now THAT, was fun," Dustin commented. "No monsters or world-saving, just some easy time on the track."

"I'm surprised you're not upset that Dr. O showed you up big time," Trent laughed. Tommy held up his hands as if to hold back applause.

"Yeah Dr. O, you really know your way around a bike," Conner complimented his teacher.

"Seriously," Ethan joined in, "especially since you told me you raced cars in college."

"Power ranger," was all Tommy said but they understood.

"I cannot wait to kick back," Blake stretched.

"We better make the most of this before we have to go," Hunter noted.

"I bet this wasn't much fun for our resident techie," Shane slung an arm around Cam. "Motocross isn't really your thing is it?"

Cam just shrugged, "Anything to get away from the computers for a little while."

Not wanting to go all the way around to Valencia Road, they trekked through the woods to the lab's back entrance. They laughed and joked all the way to the second door but stopped when they heard giggling on the other side then what sounded like Tori's voice saying, "That is just hilarious!"

"You know I changed my mind, I think we can afford to stay out here for a while," Blake grinned.

"I'm with you bro," Hunter winked and the brothers bumped fists.

Dustin and Shane jerked their head and said unison, "Fine by me."

"I have to admit I am a bit curious," Trent made a semi-intrigued face.

"I'm down, you?" Ethan looked Conner.

"Of course," Conner said eagerly.

"I don't know if we should be doing this," Cameron hesitated.

"COME ON!" chanted the boys.

"I'm with Cam on this one," Tommy eyed the door apprehensively. "Let's just say I know for a fact that nothing good can come of this, ESPECIALLY if they catch us." It might've been their imagination but the younger rangers could have sworn they saw the veteran swallow at the thought.

"As long as we're quiet they can't possibly notice us. Please Cam... Dr. O..." Ethan begged. Cam and Tommy cut glances at each other. Cam nodded while Tommy heaved sigh and mumbled something about hair jokes. They dropped to the ground and listened in.

Kira – "Do you and Blake see each other often?"

Tori – "We try our best, but in between teaching, his motocross, my surfing, it all comes down to whenever we have the time. We somehow manage, nights are typically free."

Hayley – "Typically free for what?" Blake made that burning hiss sound and avoiding looking at the others.

Hunter tapped his shoulder, "Still think this was a good idea?" Rather than answer Blake silently held up a finger then pointed to the door.

Tori – "That is between Blake and me."

Marah – "Dustin and I have a standing date every other Friday, you should join us sometime. We can go doubles; watch a movie or something."

Tori – "We'll see. Like I said, our schedules are pretty all over the place."

Kira – "What about Shane and Hunter?"

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