Chapter 2

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Percy's POV

I decided that I would go tell that person my feelings for them later because right now I happen to be very hungry. I headed toward the dining pavilion, but stopped when I saw that person. He looked so..... hurt, broken, mysterious, but somehow cute and sexy at the same time. His dark brown eye make him look younger when he's scared but older when he's mad. His shaggy dark hair showed you he didn't care about what he looked like or what impression he gave off.

But anyone at camp would be warned to stay away from him in the short times he's here. He tends to be very scary to some people. But he's a good friend to me. I would try to help him if he let me in but he hasn't. As far as I know, I'm pretty sure no one has gotten in.

His name? I would hope you can guess by now but that amazing son of Hades is Nico di Angelo. Yes, if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm gay. I found out when I accidentally walked in on Jason changing his shirt. I don't have a crush on him but I did feel something that wasn't there before. And once I saw Nico mad and thought to myself that he looked extremely hot. And over time my feelings for Nico have grown stronger to the point where I just can't be with Annabeth anymore.

I was going to go to see Nico at the Hades table, but he saw me and took his plate to his cabin isolating himself from the rest of the world. When Nico was at camp, he'd usually stay in his cabin all day and be gone doing who knows what at night. He's mysterious, but that's exactly what I like.

I usually would get very excited to see him at all, but today it felt different. Something was different and I couldn't tell what it was. Something was hanging in the air. Some unspoken words held meaning.

I wanted to figure out what it was so I went to Nico's cabin. I didn't knock because that just ain't my style. I slowly and gently opened to the door and let myself in. Then I closed the door just as slowly and softly as I opened it. The room would have been pitch black if the green greek fire wasn't lit.

The room was a mess. Clothes, books, and papers were scattered everywhere. As I looked around, I didn't see Nico. I saw him plate on the beside table but the only thing on it was a half eaten pomegranate.

I walked deeper into the room when I heard light crying coming from the unlit bathroom. I walked over to the bathroom only to have my heart split into two.

I opened the bathroom door, and there was Nico. He sat on the ground with his back on the wall. He held a razor blade in one hand and his other arm was all bloodied and cut. He was crying, but I could tell it wasn't from the pain.

I think I stood there for about 5 minutes letting the situation comprehend in my brain. Once I got hold of reality again, I scooped Nico into my arms against his protest, and carried him bridal style to the infirmary.

I laid him on one of the wool cots and headed off to get an apollo kid.

As I walked to find one, I could feel like my heart grow heavier and heavier. I could feel like tears come. I could hear his cry all over again. I could see the deep cuts. I didn't understand why he would go to the point to hurting himself. I hated knowing I didn't know.

I kept telling myself maybe he just started today and that's why you didn't know but I knew from looking at his arms that I was just pretending.

Eventually, I did find an apollo kid who wasn't busy. Her name was Willow. She was blonde and with brown eyes. If I wasn't gay, I might have had a crush on her. She was pretty, smart, and had a good sense of humor.

But when she say the situation Nico was in, she didn't bother trying to light the gloomy mood hanging in the air. She immediately went to work on cleaning up the wounds and make sure he had enough blood. It still broke my heart watching him lay somewhat lifelessly on the cot. He had an empty look in his that held so many unspoken thoughts.

After 20 minutes, Nico's arm were covered in bandaging and Willow had left to clean her hands up. She told me he'd be okay but needed some time to heal and was one to watch closely before she left.

Nico looked at the wall angrily like somehow it was their fault he was were he was. I wanted to find out what was wrong, to hug him better, but the hardness of his gaze made it clear this wasn't a time for that.

I just watched him. It seemed that every minutes his anger grew at the wall. I couldn't leave. I couldn't leave him here. I couldn't leave without making sure he was okay. I couldn't leave but I knew I also shouldn't stay. He is a child of hades and they never had a reputation at being good handlers of anger.

At the an instant, the air in the room grew so think with tension. It was scary. But, it all broke when Nico broke down crying.

He was breaking. He was crumbling right before my eyes. He looked desperate. Desperate for something. I couldn't tell what it was. But, just then, I heard something.



Hello, lovelies!

I'm not sure how good or long this chapter was tbh so please comment and if you want to vote!

I have hell (school) but I will try to update if that's what y'all would like as much as I could.

But, I need to say, don't you just hate it when your friend gets mad and says a something that breaks you cause it's something you told them about and they know it will make you sad but they still think it.

Yeah, I hate it too

~ Queen of Gay Ships

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