Chapter 7

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Nico's POV

I heard the door open about 10 minutes after annabeth had left. Why is she back?

But whoever it was seemed to love yelling noises. Wait, I never knew that the world spun when you lying on the ground. Oh wait...

I quickly, which actually was very slow, latched my hands onto the person's leg. I could feel myself slowly about to lose consciousness. No, I wouldn't allow myself to.

The person knelt down beside and read the note. Whoever it was stiffened and looked down at me with a glassy eyes. The person shook their head and scooped me up in one swift move. I tried to protest but after one weak attempt to kick, I felt more lightheaded and closer to unconsciousness. I wasn't going to let this muscular person take me somewhere without me seeing where.

The person carried me out of my cabin and into the scorching sunlight. I winced and tried to move my hands over my eyes, but it hurt too much to move my arms.

I slightly turned my body so I was facing the person's abdomen and was caught in the ocean breeze scent. Percy. This was percy. I immediately relaxed and looked up to see the windswept hair and stunning green eyes looking down at me like I was a kicked puppy. I hated sympathy, but the care in his eyes made me forget that. That or maybe the fact I couldn't at all think straight.

We kept moving along until we stopped at the infirmary. I hated this place. I've been here too many times for the wrong reasons. Too many memories were in here. These were the walls that knew all the stories

[italicized are flashbacks]

"Mr. di Angelo, what seems to be the problem today?" The doctor said. His voice laced with fake kindness, care, and interest. All he wanted was to do his job-- help me with my... habits.

The infirmary had sometimes become a therapy room for troubled kids. Am I one of them? Yeah, you could say that. Did I ever admit it or talk to any of these "professional helpers?" No. Was there a point in coming? Yes. It made Hazel more relaxed after she found out about why I always wore my aviator jacket. What can I say? I've gone completely insane that I've found comfort in my own skin breaking at my own control. It helped with dealing with reality, but that's not something I can't explain to my younger sister who's crying her eyes out and worrying ever second about me.

"Nothing," I blankly said. This doctor couldn't help me. No one could. Obviously that wasn't an option to the people not suffering.

"C'mon, Nico. I can help you. I've helped many people. Tell me and we'll talk it out. Whatever it is that's bothering you isn't as big as you think. Let me help you." Lies.

"There's nothing wrong," I responded. The doctor, Dr. Quentin, didn't seem angry or frustrated or upset about me not saying anything. Frankly, it wouldn't have mattered if he had.

"Nico, this is serious. You're cutting yourself and your sister says you've been having suicidal thoughts. Let me help you." The sad thing was this man, an ordinary human being, didn't understand I, another human being, was beyond repair. What has happen to me-- my mother, my sister, my father, my feelings, tartarus-- all of it was too much for a human brain to handle even if there was some godly blood in my veins.

My mind was hell. Nothing was okay. Nothing was going to be okay. No doctor could help me. Nothing. The hopelessness inside me had come in and broken me.

"Nico, I can help you. Just let me first give you something." I was too much in a daze to realize he gotten a needle out and given me a shot. No amount of physical pain could compare to the one inside me.

I felt sleepier and happier. I could almost feel my problem detach themselves from me. I almost smiled. I closed my eyes and felt reality slip from my grasp only wishing I had it back.

I woke up hours later by a flaring pain on my sides and back. I opened my eyes. Big mistake. It was them. The shadows. The demons. The voices that took a form. Screaming. Yelling. Taunting.

They always stayed in the infirmary. It was ironic. The things that broke me the most stayed in a place of healing.

They tortured me mentally and physically for days and no one noticed. This place was full of memories.

And with just me luck, I was going back.


Hello, hello. Yes it is I! I know I suck for not updating.

I don't know what to write and honestly this story is getting crappier each chapter. IM SO SORRY

Oh my goodness. 800 reads and 50 votes (not exact just I can't remember but STILL)!!! You GUYS ARE AWESOME

Oh my. I can't believe it still.


Until next time, xoxo

~Queen of Gay Ships

My Love, Is This Really Love? (Pernico/Percico)Where stories live. Discover now