Chapter 4

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Percy's POV

He fell asleep. He was cute when he's asleep. All his creases on his face are released. His eyebrows go to their normal positions instead of their furrow ways. His shoulders aren't tense. He looks peaceful.

I guess I should've left but I couldn't. He was against me and I couldn't wake him from his peacefulness. So instead, I just stayed in that position playing lightly with his hair until he woke up. That isn't normal, is it?

After an hour, he woke up. He woke up with a start and his features all spoke loudly and clearly that he had a nightmare. He was scared. He looks so vulnerable. He doesn't look like the child of hades that hated me. He looked liked a kid who grew up too fast and needed someone. I was going to be that someone one way or another.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"Nightmare," he said lightly like a like kid talking to his mother about it. He looked like that ten year old I saw when I first met him.

"What happened in your nightmare?" I asked. This time I really didn't know. I wanted to know what scared him. I didn't want to know what it was to use against him. No, I wanted to know what I'd need to protect him from. I'd protect him from anything- even if it were reality.

"Nothing," he said quickly with widen eyes and face paling. He cleared his throat. "I mean nothing you'd understand. It's stupid..." And then trailed off.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "What is it, Nico? You can tell me anything."

He shook his head. "It's nothing. Really. It's nothing. Nothing at all."

I said a quiet okay and let the subject slip. He wasn't going to talk about it and I didn't know what would happen if I pushed him.

He rubbed his eyes and noticed how close we were. Truth is, I noticed a long time ago but up close you can see the small details that you couldn't see from afar. There were little freckles that lightly dotted his cheeks. There was little curve to his lips. Speaking of his, they were full. They were lightly pink. They were probably cold and soft. I could see little bite marks from nervous bite makes. I could see that he was biting his cheeks.

He began to blush. It spread all over his cheeks. You could see his freckles more. He scooted away. I pretend to not notice the pang of sadness hit me. I guess I couldn't blame him, I'm pretty weird.

Maybe I wasn't the greatest at hiding it since i saw Nico lightly laugh. I don't think I've ever heard such a beautiful sound.

"I think I better get going to my cabin. Thanks for the support, Percy. You've helped a lot."

"Anytime, di Angelo," I said with a small smile. I tried to seem friendly and open.

He walked out of the infirmary kind of shyly and all I did was watch.

"I want him so badly," I said.

"I could see why," a voice i recognized all too well.


Hallo my bloody fantabulous readers! (I'm sill figuring out the last part).

So yes I don't think that's any longer than the other chappies but oh whale.

I have decided that I will do QOTC when I have more readers that actively participate.

So um I never know how to end these things but I'll try.


~Queen of Gay Ships

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