ask 149

179 3 1

Lemonqueen38: what do all of the bad end friends think about that egg that has more likes then Kyle Jenner.

Beast wirt: why does a egg get a lot likes?

Red leader tord: it's just a egg.

Ice finn: that's wired.

Bipper: this is the most strangest thing.

Demon Marco: I have no idea why a egg has more likes than a some famous person.

Mewberty star: well that's something wired.

Evil morty: how does a egg get popper.

Frisk genocide: wtf.

Birthday Mabel: you go my beautiful egg.

Steven diamond: well that egg is the king.

Paloma: anyways remember guys ask and, dare in the comments and, I well write them next time bye.

Red leader tord: goodbye everyone.

Beast wirt: see y'all soon.

Bipper: farewell humans.

Ice finn: goodbye guys.

Demon Marco: see you guys later.

Mewberty star: bye bye.

Evil morty: later.

Frisk genocide: see ya.

Birthday Mabel: byyyyyyyyyye.

Steven diamond: later everyone.

ask and dare bad end friends #2Where stories live. Discover now