dare 30

112 3 2

Rynatherinrin: I dare the BEF to watch calne ca and what are their reactions.

Paloma: oh I know it I already watched it.

Red leader tord: what is it about.

Paloma: I'm not telling you. That well just spoiler alert the video. But I can tell you it's is from vocaloid and i love it especially kaito.

Demon Marco: who is kaito🤨.

Paloma: um... don't worry about it.

Ice finn: wait it's those cute singers anime right?

Paloma: yeah but, this video anti cute. Anyways let's start the video.

Paloma plays the video.

Beast wirt: okay... it's just a girl sleeping.

Paloma: wait for it.

Frisk genocide: I don't see anything bad about th- oh shit what the hell happened to her.

Birthday Mabel: why is there a bug in her hair.

Mewberty star: okay her body is very creepy.

Demon Marco: she looks like a mantas but in a creepy way.

Ice finn: what the fuck happened to miku.

Paloma: I don't know how it happened okay. I don't know that much information about this.

Red leader tord: this is kinda creepy.

Evil morty: what is she a robot or something.

Paloma: well she is actually a robot.

Steven diamond: okay girls without half of their head off what the hell is this.

Bipper: and their necks can stretch is this supposed to be a scary video or something.

Beast wirt: my God I don't like her creepy mouth.

Birthday Mabel: oh my God she has no skin why. I won't be sleeping tonight.

Demon Marco: she is like a human virus.

Ice finn: is she dead or something.

The video ended

Paloma: well guys that is it. Anyways remember guys ask and, dare in the comments and, I well write them next time bye.

Red leader tord: goodbye everyone.

Beast wirt: see y'all soon.

Bipper: farewell humans.

Ice finn: goodbye guys.

Demon Marco: see you guys later.

Mewberty star: bye bye.

Evil morty: later.

Frisk genocide: see ya.

Birthday Mabel: byyyyyyyyyye.

Steven diamond: later everyone.

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