Downhill Climb

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*Alyssa's POV*

'Ding-Dong!' The doorbell chimed through the house. I opened the door slowly hiding the baseball bat in my other Han behind the door. "Hello?" I say in a shakey voice. "Are you miss Alyssa Jackson?" the stranger asks. "Uh yes why?" I straighten up and got suspicious. "Your parents are Luke and Julianna Jackson?" He questions. "No shit, how many other Jacksons are there in this town?" I say getting annoyed.

"O-oh ok well as you well know they went on a business trip to south Europe, on the way their passenger plane was shot down by terrorist leaders. Your parents were killed in that plane crash. I'm sorry. Goodbye." He walks off my porch and I slam the door mouth wide open in complete shock. I flop on the couch and the tears come at full force. 'This must be some sort of sick joke. That was not a funny joke.' I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. "Alyssa?" Steph stands awkwardly fumbling with her necklace. "What." I say not wanting to talk. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. I didn't mean to make you cry. It's just the mention of getting a boyfriend still brings back those fucking memories and I just wasn't ready." I take a shakey breath before responding. "It's ok Steph. But there's something I have to tell you." She looks sits down next to me and listens intently. "Yeah?" She says focused 100%.

"My parents are dead."


*Alyssa's POV*

Stephs eyes got huge like someone stabbed her in the gut. "Oh my God." she managed to squeeze out. "I don't know what to do Steph! I've got no relatives, no where to go, no job, no education, I've got nothing!!" I yelled, sobbing into Stephs shoulder while she coaxed me gently, rubbing my back and stroking my hair. "You've got me, I'll fight off the problems of the world for ya." she said softly. "Steph you-" "Shhhh. Don't talk, it helps I promise." She cut me off. I nodded and layed down resting my head on her lap. I was about to close my eyes when I hear humming from Steph? she starts to sing a lullaby.

'Close your eyes, close your eyes,

and the world might pass you by.

Dry your tears, dry your tears,

they're fuel to your fears.

If you stand tall, if you stand tall,

all your enemies will fall.

Walk with pride, walk with pride,

and your doubt will run and hide.

You might be scared, you might be scared,

But darlin I'll be right here to lend a hand.'

I smiled and fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

*Stephs POV*

I've been working on that lullaby for a while now. Her breathing became steady soft snores. I picked her up off the couch gently and took her upstairs to her room where I placed her delicately on the mattress. "Goodnight Alyssa." I whispered. I stood up slowly and crossed the floor closing the door very quietly. I tiptoed down the steps and plopped down on the sofa. I pulled my iPhone out of my back pocket.

*26 new messeges from Mom*

*1 new messege from Dad*

I know I'm fucking loved. I plugged it in the charger and relaxed. And fell asleep.


I opened my eyes slowly and looked over at the wall clock, 8:47. Well I'm hungry soooo I'm gonna go eat some breakfast. I walked in the kitchen and the pantry was empty. I'm gonna run to the store. Should I leave her a note? Nah I won't be gone long and who the fuck leaves notes anymore? I grabbed her car keys and was about to walk out when I remembered last night. What the hell, I'll make her some coffee. I put the Caramel Frappé flavoured coffee in the Kureg. Turned it on and walked out the door. Once I got to the store I hopped out and checked my pockets for money. I pulled out two twenties and a fifty. I'll spend the forty on food. I bought eggs, bacon, sausage, ham, and some grits. Drove home or whatever and carried all the food in and put it all away. I noticed that the coffee is gone and there's a coffee mug sitting empty in the sink. I finished cleaning up and went upstairs. Aly's doors open a little. I opened it all the way to find an empty room. "Shit." I cursed. I checked every room in the massive place. Nobody. I walked through the kitchen and out the sliding door onto the deck to find Alyssa sitting in a chair back facing me and looking out into the woods. "Hey there kiddo." I say sitting next to her. "Where'd you go this morning in my car?" She asks accusingly. "Well if you don't want breakfast." I say shrugging. She shrieked. "Eggs?" "Yup." "Bacon? Sausage? Ham? Grits?!!" She giggled as I said yup after each food item. "I love you Steph!!!" she squealed. "I know." I replied walking into the house. She squealed when she opened the fridge. "Wow Steph you've got good taste." She complimented. "What'd you expect? I love food!!" I replied with a shrug. "Ha-Ha" she said sarcastically.

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