Chapter 5

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*Stephanies POV*

I woke up but didn't open my eyes, and I heard his voice. "Come on! I know y'all ain't doing all you can cause you ain't busting your ass!!!" A mans voice made my pounding headache known. "She's been in a major coma for a week. Her pulse is barely noticeable, she has no response to pain and her pupils are unresponsive. I'm sorry." The doctor left and someone paced the floor muttering profanities under his breath. I felt the bed dip, he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Baby, please wake up. I don't know if you can hear me or not but ever since our first date I knew I'd want to spend the rest of my life with you, you're the reason I sleep peacefully and wake up with a smile on my face, I never knew someone could have such a power over me but you proved that you can in spades. I've never cared for anyone as much as I do for you, relationship wise, and I'm so happy that I can care for you and only you forever. I love you Stephanie Juliet Jones." he says squeezing my hand. "Please, I need to see your beautiful blue eyes." He pleaded. A single tear escaped from my eye reluctantly. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at the stranger who was kneeling beside my bed holding my hand looking down. "Who the hell are you?!" I screamed jerking my hand away from him. "Baby it's me!! Zachary!" he said frantically. "I don't fucking know you!! Get away from me!!!" I screamed. I looked around and saw a doctor button an pressed it. This 'Zachary' guy stayed in the chair next to the bed. The doctor rushed into the room. "Get this creeper out of my room!! I want Alyssa!!!" I yelled and 'Zachary' was taken out and they called Alyssa. "Steph, what in the heck did you do this time?" she scolded. "Some creepy bastard was in here when I woke up." I explained shivering. "Are you cold? Here." She gave me a blanket. "Thanks." I said and she nodded. "I'm gonna let you rest and I'm might sleep myself." She said propping her legs up in the chair and dozing off. I did the same.

"Zachary?" I whispered. His head shot up and he threw himself on me in a giant bear hug. I yelped in pain. "Oh baby I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to hurt you!!!" he said jumping back. "It's ok, just don't let it happen again." I said gritting my teeth trying not to scream as I repositioned myself. "Steph, what happened?" he asked. "Why couldn't you remember me?" he continued. "I dunno but I do now." I said. "Unfortunately." I muttered. "What was that?" he asks cupping his ear. "Nothing." I said laughing. "Nothing? Oh really?" he smirked and began tickling my sides until I cried from laughter. "Stop now! I'm an injured woman!!!" I hollered. "You're a beautiful woman." Zachary stated. "Oh shut up." I said smacking the back of his head. "You sure haven't lost your strength at all." He chuckled. I glanced out the window. "The sunset is so beautiful....... I fucking hate it." I gagged. "Do you think anything is beautiful?" he asked laughing. "Myself. I honestly don't understand what's so funny?" I quirked my eyebrow. "You're in a coma for a week and you hate the sunset?" he shakes his head and looks at the floor. "Oh, I didn't think it was that funny myself." I adjusted myself comfortably. "Goodnight Zachary." I say closing my eyes again. My only response was Zachary's light snores. I guess I can stay up a bit. I look down at the I.Vs in my left arm and I also see my scars. Countless all in a row and a vertical line down the middle. I still remember.


"You're so worthless how can your parents put up with calling you their child? I'd be embarrassed as hell"

"That's why your dad drinks so much! So he can keep you off his mind as much as possible!"

I say there on the steps of my middle school soaking in these harsh truths. Are they true?

"Just go kill yourself get you out of everyone's hair." Someone kicked my stomach and I spit blood. I limped home clutching my empty bruised stomach. I walked in to my dad passed out on the couch surrounded by liquor bottles. I shook my head in disgust. How was I the reason for all this? How is a sixth grader responsible for so much pain. I felt tears well up in my eyes and one fell. I went to my bathroom and grabbed my razor sliding it across my pale skin. One after the other after the other. Until I got to the crook of my arm. A pool of blood was forming underneath my feet. The world started spinning and black dots started to appear as my mother walked into my room. The world went black. After I left the hospital and went back to school the harassment only got worse.

"Damn I thought you took my advice and killed yourself."

"Yeah it's a real shame."

*End of Flashback*

The tears were there but only one escaped and I let it run down my left cheek.

*Zachary's Dream/POV*

Stephanie walked into my livingroom and knocked the breath out of me. She was stunning. Her hair was curled perfectly and her makeup was not needed but still gorgeous. "Do I look bad?" she asked. "You never do!" I protested. "Bruh you drunk or nah?" she asked and I laughed. "Nahhhhh." I slurred on purpose. "I beg to differ babe." she said swaying her hips as she walked over to me. She grabbed the collar of my shirt a whispered in my ear seductivly, "You're mine now." and she looked at me. I yelled and jumped back. Her eyes were blood red and she had fangs. "What the hell?" I gasped as she ran at me with supernatural speed. "I told you, you're mine all mine" with that she pounced sending her fangs into my neck.

*End of Dream*

I woke up breathless and looked around seeing Steph asleep in that hospital bed. I closed my eyes. As I was dozing off I heard the machine beeping louder and faster. I opened my eyes and saw her face was pale and her heart rate line was barely noticeable. I ran around the bed and jabbed the doctor button. "Steph baby stay with me please!!" I shook her lightly, no response. The doctor rushed in and immediately ushered me out.

*Two hours later*

The doctor walked out slowly with his head hanging low. "What? What is it? Is she okay? Can I see her?" I peppered him with questions. "We lost her." he said and walked away. I rushed in the room and the machine was on but the lines were flat. Tears flowed down my cheeks as I knelt by her bedside. "Baby, I always meant to tell you this but, I love you and I'll always be here for you are- were my whole world, and my heart is broken but I'll love you till the day I die and we can be together forever." I finished and I cried and cried. I stood up md leaned down "I love you Stephanie." And with that I slowly but passionately locked our lips.

Beep! Beep! Beep! The machine beeped loudly and the heart line began to appear. I parted from her and she opened her eyes and looked at me. "Don't stop, I like it." she said and I leaned back down kissing her soft lips with love.

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