Chapter 1- Kicked out

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*Stephanies POV*

"Dammit Anne she needs to learn that we send her to school to learn!!! Not to get suspended!" my father yells at my mom.

"Well no crap Sherlock!! I wasn't born yesterday Patrick! She needs a better learning environment! She hasn't been doing anything around here either! Look at this dump!" My mother hollers back. The fight goes on till I here the name Ireland. Cleaning is your job bitch! I'm out!

Ok my life officially sucks. I'm here having to sleep on my parents sofa because I got kicked out of my apartment. FML. And on top of all the bull crap, my parents are about to send me to Ireland to get a "better education". What the hell!! I've got to get the hell out of here. I sit up, fold the blankets grab my bag, phone and head out. And I don't have a car, so I have to walk which isn't to bad considering my bag only consists of a few clothes my phone and some other shit I'll never need or use. I make it down to the end of the driveway without trouble so that's a start. I keep walking down the street a few blocks down I see a group of guys huddled around outside a bar. They probably got so drunk they got kicked out. Then it hit me, I just got kicked out. Dang it. I keep walking in the opposite direction of the group of guys till I get to a neighborhood I knew all to well. I smirk as I walk under the sign that read, Werewood Homes and Apartments. I walk down past a few houses, an all out grin breaks out on my face as I strut up that freshly paved driveway up the door and I knock not giving a crap that its 12:30 at night. I stand there tapping my foot and get impatient. Before I could knock again the porch light flicks on and a beautiful blonde haired girl with green eyes opens the door. I smirk again, "Hello Alyssa." I say smiling. "Hey Stephanie." She replies grinning equally as much. "I'm freezing my ass off out here are you just gonna stand there smiling?" I say shivering. "Maybe you shouldn't wear tank tops and booty shorts to bed in the dead of winter." She fires back. "Shut up and shut the door!" I whisper yell as I walk into the toasty house. "I call the couch!!" I say earning a small laugh from Alyssa. "And I call my bed. Goodnight Steph." She says walking up the steps. What a night. I'm gonna see what she's got to eat. I jump up and walk into the kitchen turning the light on and rummaging through the pantry. "Y'all ain't got jack crap to eat!" I complain outloud. "Because I took it all upstairs." Alyssa says behind me scaring the shit out of me. "Bloody hell!!!!" I shriek jumping back. I push Alyssa aside and head up the steps. "I got your bag best friend." She calls up. "Yeah ok." I reply. She laughs lightly and I rummage through her loaded mini fridge. "You're not gonna find much in there." She said from the doorway. "Hmm." I grunt plainly. "By the way I saw this guy at my high school and I think you might be interested." She says trying to start a conversation. "Hmm." I grunt again. "Come on Steph! You gotta get a guy sooner or later!" She exclaims waving her arms around. "I prefer later." I say bluntly. "Ughhh!!!!!!" She yells. (Her parents are on a business trip) "Calm down its not a big deal." I say opening a coco cola. She glares at me and narrows her eyebrows. "You need a boyfriend to cuddle with, joke with, someone who can prote-" "I don't need nobody to protect me. I know what you're getting at and it ain't happening. John was an asshole an I hate him for all he's worth." I holler cutting her off. She stares at me shocked at my sudden outburst. "Ok Steph have it your way." Alyssa looks down and walks down the steps into the den and sits on the couch. I hear faint whimpers. I may be a jerk but I hate hurting my best friend. I tiptoe down the steps. "Alyssa?" I say quietly. She sniffles and wipes her face. "What?" She croaks. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. I didn't mean to make you cry. It's just the mention of getting a boyfriend still brings back those bad memories and I just wasn't ready." I take a deep breath waiting for her response. "It's ok Steph. But there's something I have to tell you." She looks up at me with her puffy red eyes. "Yeah?" I sit next her.

"My parents are dead."




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