Fourth Date

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*Stephs POV*

"Ughhhh!!!!!! How the hell do I make my hair stay!!!!!" I screamed through Alyssas house. We made up and were best friends again. "Here I'll help." She offered kindly. "It's an AMAZING thing alled hairspray dear." she chuckled. "Well shit mom! You shouldn't have!" I sassed. Not exactly in the mood for jokes. "Well shit Steph! You don't want Zachary seeing you like this do ya?" She asked. Damn, I hate it when she's right. "Get out and let me get dressed!!" I hollered and stepped into my closet. I grabbed a black leather jacket and some black skinner jeans with a black and white stripped shirt. "Ok what do you think?" I asked Alyssa who quickly drug me to her room. "You really need a new wardrobe honey!" she said. "Ok close your eyes." she instructed and I did and I felt her press something up against me as if to see if it'd fit. "Ok go take everything off but your boxer briefs and your sports bra." she joked and I gave her my middle finger. I walked back in and a ball of red fabric hurled towards me. "Shit!" I yelled dodging it. "Put it on!" She yelled. "I ain't got time for your objections!" She said and I rolled my eyes and slipped it on. It fit perfectly but I don't like dresses. It had one shoulder "strap" thingy and the other was bare. And she had me wearing red pumps to go with it.
"Now sit here now." She said firmly pointing at her vanity. Once I sat down she wasted no time taking off every once of makeup on my face and setting the primer, foundation, and concealer. Next she put on setting powder then some blush. Next she made a thin black line with her gel eyeliner and made a small wing. Next she did my mascara then my lipstick. She made me keep my eyes closed until she was done. She curled my hair and put it all on my left shoulder. "Ok open your eyes!" she said and when I did omg I bout shit myself. The lipstick was a darkish brightish red. "Why are my lips bleeding?" I asked and she laughed. "They ain't bleeding ya dummy! It's called LIPSTICK." she said slowly.


"He's here!" She said really excited.
"No shit Sherlock!" I yelled as she sprinted towards the door. I looked back in the mirror. I looked beautiful. That's weird. "STEPHANIE!!!!" Alyssa yelled from downstairs. "I'm coming!!" I yelled back. I got to the top of the stairs and I looked at Zachary. Oxygen. Slowly. Leaving. I grabbed the railing for support. He was stunning! His tux was perfect, his hair was on fleek, and as usual his teeth sparkled. He turned around and saw me. His jaw hit the floor. "Holy fucking shit." he swore under his breath. I started walking down the stairs and once I reached the bottom I was pulled into a hug which I quickly returned. He leaned down and whispered in my ear. "If she wasn't standing there, I'd kiss you but she'd kill me if I smudged the lipstick." His voice was low but soft. "We'll be alone later though." I whispered back and his hand started traveling down my back. I pulled away and grabbed his hand. "And we're off!" I yelled. "K bye love you!" Alyssa said. "I know!" I yelled back. "So where are we going?" I asked when we got in the car. "One question first." He said. "Ok?" I replied. "You've got your sea legs don't you?" he asked "Yeah of course." I said smiling. "Good." he said leaning over the console, kissing me on the forehead.

"Damn, this is a big ass boat!" I said stepping in the boat. "It's not a boat babe. It's a yacht!" Zachary said correctively.

"Potato Pototo!" I said rolling my eyes and smiling. "Well its a beautiful yacht." I said and he laughed. "Did you rent this?" I asked. "Nope! It's all mine." he said proudly. I walked to the front of the yacht and closed my eyes, blocking out the world around me and I relaxed. I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and a chin rest on my shoulder. I smiled and opened my eyes. "It's beautiful out here." I said. Zachary turned me around and put a finger under my chin to lift it up so our faces were only centimeters apart.

"The only beauty I see is right in front of me." he said and connected our lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. "What did I do to deserve such a perfect girl?" he asked after he pulled away. "You know I'm not perfect." I said turning back around. Zachary began kissing my neck and I leaned my head back on his shoulder and he kissed under my ear which gave me a tingling feeling all over and I smiled.

"Come're." he said taking my hand and took me into a large room with a table, two chairs, and a candlelit dinner. "Zachary I....uh.." I stammered. "It's for us." his said kissing me again. He let go of my hand and walked over to one of the chairs and pulled it out. I blinked a few times then walked over and sat down. Zachary sat across the table from me. He picked up what looked like a bell and he shook it. The loud shrill ringing that came from it caused me to flinch and jump a bit. A man in all black and a white apron wrapped around his waist came out. "Yes sir? Howcan I assist you?" he asked politely.
"We're ready for our food." Zachary smiled and the waiter nodded. I just kept looking around at all the expensive looking stuff from the carpeted floors to the crystal chandelier that hung above me. The walls were polished cherrywood with round windows here and there. The shelves were lined with books and some pictures to.

"Stephanie?" I snapped back and looked at Zachary. "Hm?" I said. "Your foods getting cold." he chuckled. "Oh." I mentally slapped myself. "Are you ok babe?" he asked tenderly. "Of course. Why do you ask?" I said slightly confused as to why he would ask that. "Ever since I showed you the inside of the yacht you haven't talked much." he replied.
"I-I'm uh sorry." I stutter blinking. I felt the boat rock and the room started to spin. "Stephanie!" Zachary shot up and ran by my side before I fell. "I'm alright." I said sitting back up. "You don't look alright babe. Why don't we skip the food." he suggests and I gladly agree. "I'm so sorry." I say sitting up straighter and pushing my folded hands into my lap and looking down at them. Trying to push back the tears threatening to spill over. "No no don't be sorry." he says softly. He pulled up a chair and held me in his arms.

"I always mess up our dates. This is our fourth first date and I messed up again." the tears escape and pour down my face. "Hey" he brings my face up to line up with his "you didn't mess up anything, this is still OUR date. This is still just you and I. This is us, and I love our dates." He said kissing me gently. "And I love you." He said into the kiss.
"I love you to Zachary." I said back.

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