Chapter 4

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*Stephs POV*

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I got up and slipped on my black jean booty shorts and a Jack Skelington tank top, I wore my black combat boots as well. I left my hair down today. I walked down the stairs and I went to the kitchen to find Aly cooking. "Didn't know you could cook." I said. "Morning Steph." She grumbled. "I'm in a good mood today, enjoy it." I threatened. 'Ding-Dong' "I'll get it!" I shouted even though Aly was right there. I opened the door to see Zachary in a Jack Skelington T-shirt. "Great minds think alike I see." he says grinning. "Hey we're about to have breakfast wanna come in?" I ask. "Sure. What's on the menu?" he says looking around. "Bacon and eggs." I reply. "Steph!! Who the hell are you talking to?!" Aly shouts. "Nobody Mom!!" I shout back. "Oh that's your mom?" Zachary asks. "Oh god no she's my best friend." I reply shaking my head. "Oh. Oops." He says. "What in the heck is this man doing in my house?" Aly says narrowing her eyebrows. "Aly this is Zachary, Zachary this is Aly or aka my mom." I say with a smirk. "Hey I'm Zachary! And Stephanie-" "You can call me Steph." I said quickly. "Ok princess." he says. "As I was saying Steph invited me in for breakfast." He said politely. "She never told me about this." Aly glared at me. "Well maybe because I was exhausted." I glared back. "Woah, woah ladies no need to argue-" "You're in my house so you ain't got no right to be telling me what to do!!" Aly cut him off. "Well if you're gonna be rude to our- my guest we'll just have breakfast somewhere nicer." I yelled at Aly. "Fine! Have a nice time!" she yelled stomping back into the kitchen, the sarcasm was unnecessary. "Whatever!" I huffed dragging Zachary out the door with me. "Lets go to my house for breakfast." He suggests. "Sounds perfect! I'd love to." I said emotionless. "Ok then I'll drive!" he said getting in as I did the same.

As he pulled up I was to wound up and frustrated to notice how normal it looked. It was a brick one story house with white window panes, and a cherry wood door. "Come on in." he says as we walked to his front door. "Mom! We have guests for breakfast!" he called into the kitchen. "Zachary what have I told you about this? I plainly asked you to forewarn me if we're having company!" she scolded with a smile. "I'm sorry." he said chuckling. "It's fine but next time-" he held his hand up to silence her. "Mom this is Stephanie, Stepha- Steph, this is my mom." I shook her hand gently. "You can call me Steph." I said quietly. "Well Steph it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance." she said and our bond grew for then on.

*Two Weeks Later*

"I'm sorry Alyssa." I said embracing my best friend. "It's ok Steph, I know how you are. Just don't let it happen again." She said smiling. "Thanks for everything." I said. "Welcome now hurry up Jason's waiting!" she rushed me out the door and I bumped into Zachary. "Have fun y'all." Alyssa said before closing the door. "To my house?" he asked. "Sounds like a plan." I said smiling. We arrived at his house and no lights were on. "Zachary I thought you said your moms cooking dinner?" I said confused. "Zachary?" I looked away from the dark house and at Zachary. His eyes were glowing red and his fangs were bared. My scream was cut off as his oral daggers entered my throat.
"AH!!" I woke up screaming.
I bolted up sweating. My breathing was fast and my head was spinning. My door burst open an a worried Zachary stood there looking at me. "Are you ok princess?" he asked. "Uh-uh." I said and he walked over to my bed wrapping his protective arms around me and rocking me gently back and forth. "Are you gonna be ok?" he asked and I nodded. "Ok." he said getting up. "Zachary," I said and he turned. "Will you stay?" he nodded and climbed in next to me and I fell into a peaceful sleep.

"Goodmorning princess." Zachary poked my nose gently. "Hmm." I grunted. "Come on or else I'll just have to stay like this all day." he said. I opened one eye and saw what he meant. So I rolled out of bed and stretched. Our legs had been entertwined all night and my legs were cramped. "I can't believe we slept together almost all night." I said yawning. "Nothing a goodmorning kiss won't fix." He said hugging me from behind. "Uh uh uh I want my first kiss to be special." I said giggling as he poked my sides. "Well I can handle that for ya." He said walking away. I snuck up behind him and jumped on his back. "Give me a piggyback ride." I whispered in his ear. He ran out of my room and down the stairs so fast I thought I would fall off but Zachary held me tight. "Morning mom!!" He hollered setting me down. I flipped my hair to the side and fixed my necklace. Zachary got me a diamond open heart necklace from Kay Jewelers. No we didn't kiss. "Goodmorning honey, goodmorning Steph!" She said smiling as she cooked. "Something smells like heaven!" I said standing beside Zachary who sat down at the table. He grabbed my waist and sat me on his lap and I leaned back. "I love you." He said. "I know." I replied smiling. He chuckled. "You think you're really funny don't you?" He said. I nodded. "Alright you two eat up!!" Juliet fixed us a wonderful breakfast and we dug in. "Tomorrow is our three week anniversary mom so I'd like to take Steph out to dinner." Zachary said with a mouth full of eggs. (you dirty minded smurfs😝) "That'll be nice dear." She said smiling. "Ok." He said smiling at me. "I can't wait, where are we going?" I asked smiling back. "It's a surprise." he said with a sinister look on his face. I glared at him. Then I jumped over the table and tackled Zachary to the floor and Juliet gasped, then she started laughing as I pinned Zachary to the floor. "I'll ask again, Where. Are. We. Going. Sweetie?" I exaggerated sweetie. Zachary flipped us over. "And I said, It's. A. Surprise. Princess." he mocked me when he said princess. "I hate surprises." I said plainly. "I'm full of them babe." He said picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. "Be back soon! Bye mom! I love you!" he shouted. "Ok bye I love you sweetheart! Be safe!" she called back. "Where are we going?" I yelled at him as he put me down. "It's a surprise." he said and I took off running in the woods behind his house. I know those woods better than the back of my hand. I know a shortcut through there to get to Alyssas house. "Steph! Hold on! Where are you going?!" he yelled. "It's a surprise!!" I yelled back laughing out loud. I could hear him catching up. I looked back then forward and everything went black.


I need suggestions for the next chapter title!! I'll choose the best one! So give me good ones!😝😝

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