The Hot Stranger

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*Stephs POV*

"Steeeeph. You need to get up. I need you to run to the store with me." Aly pleaded. I opened one eye and looked at her like she just said the dumbest thing in the world. "Fuck, go by yourself." I shooed her away. "Come oooooonnnnnnnnn!!!!!" she egged on. "Fine damn!!" I gave in. "Yay!!!" she sounds like a five year old. I got ready and we got in the car and I drove of course. I pulled in to target and gave her a twenty and let her go in by herself. I pulled out my phone and pulled up my kik.

1 new message

I tapped it and read it.

'Hey cutie, meet me at the coffee shop at 9:30 on the corner of Hudson and oak. See ya then ;)'

Well Aly's always nagging me about getting a boyfriend so I guess I owe her this. I jumped at a knock on the window. "Can I get in the car?" Aly giggled. "Y-Yeah" I stuttered. "So how did you occupy yourself while I was gone?" She asked smiling. "Well I checked my phone and someone asked me out on kik and appearently he lives in this town and he told me to meet him at the coffee shop." I replied. "OMG!!!!" She squealed. "Calm the fuck down!" I scolded. "Sorry not sorry!!!" she ginned wildly. "What time?" she asked. "6:30." I responded. "That's in three hours so I have just enough time to make you look sexy!" she said all giddy. I looked at her arching an eyebrow. "DRIVE!! OR I WILL!!" She screamed. "Ok! Ok! Damn!" I shouted. We got home and I went upstairs and took a shower. I got out and went to her closet. I chose some black skinney jeans and a low cut sweater. "Oh hell no, I see now that I'm gonna have to be 'mama' and pick your clothes for you." Aly said disapprovingly. "Fine but nothing old school and nothing churchy." I pleaded. "Ok hold on." She pulled out a sleek black pencil dress that was low cut and short. Mid thigh. "Holy fuck." I said. "You'll look hot. Now go put it on." She shooed me into the bathroom. I squeezed it on. It made my C sized chest look great and made my body look sexy. I smiled and opened the bathroom door. She stood there and clapped I smiled more. She tossed me a pair of heels. I was fully dressed and it was 5:00. "Ok we've got an hour before we have to be there." She said and sat me down in front of her makeup 'station'. I call it that cause its so big.

*Alyssas POV*

I started with the primer and applied it all over her face. Then I put a light layer of foundation and loose powder. Next I got my metallic eyeshadow out and chose a shimmering white and applied that to the inner corners of her eyes and then a touch of copper beside that and a metallic silvery grey on the outer edges. Then blended the colors. After the eyeshadow I got my gel liner and chisel brush and drew a thin line of black liner on her lash line. Finally I put on her usual 30 million coats of waterproof mascara not that she ever actually cries but hey it might rain. (Jk it's 5). I looked at the clock 8:15. I curled her long black hair in tight ringlets. "Are you don yet?!" Steph sighed annoyed. "Actually yes now be happy." I said pursing my lips. She looked at herself and gasped.

*Stephs POV*

"Oh hot damn." I said not even recognising myself. "You're hot, now go out there and knock'em dead." She said loudly. "I will if he tries to get with this." I say seriously. "Good girl now go its 9:15." she said. "Shit! Bye thanks a lot I love you!" I said running out the door. These heels hurt. I pulled up at 9:29 and walked inside. I sat down at an empty booth cause this is a blind date I don't know who I'm looking for. "Hi miss can I take your order?" the waiter said. "Uh yeah, um can I get a double mocha latté no foam?" I said and the waiter nodded leaving with my order. I look down at my phone. "Hey you actually showed up?" a voice in front of me said and I looked up slowly and the wind flew out of me. He had chestnut brown hair and piercing blue eyes, his skin was a perfect shade of tan. "Uh. Y-Yeah h-hi." I stuttered. He chuckled and I blushed. "You're even more beautiful than the picture." He said softly. "Thanks I guess." I said flipping my hair back. "Double mocha latté no foam?" the waiter said. "Yes." he and I said at the same time. I bit my lip. "She got the same thing as me just bring mine to this table." He said and the waiter walked away. "So we're not that properly aquatinted, I'm Zachary and you are?" he smiled showing off his beautiful white teeth. "Stephanie." I whispered. "What's that?" he said leaning in. "Stephanie." I said louder. "A beautiful name for a gorgeous girl." He said sitting back looking at me. "Sir your drink?" the waiter interrupted. "Thanks." Zachary said tipping the waiter. "So, are you just gonna sit there and be shy?" Zachary chuckled. "No, I'm just not used to this part of town." I confessed. "Well where would you like to go?" he said. "I like the park." I said. His eyes sparkled "The park it is!" he said standing up. "I'll follow you." he said and I nodded. I got in my car and took a deep breath. I started the car and drove to the park. I stepped out and walked over to one of the benches and sat down. A shadow towered over me. "Well princess you beat me here." he smiled and I saw how tall he was. Easily 6'4. And me 5'2. He sat down next to me and glanced at me. "What're you staring at princess?" he asked and I just kept looking. "The stars. They fasinate me." I said quietly. "You're gonna have to speak up darlin." he laughed scooting closer to me. We talked some more until it was time to head home. "Well that was fun." he said. "Agreed." I nodded. He followed me home and walked me to the front porch. I was about to put my keys in the door when he grabbed my wrist. I gasped cause that wrist had my little secrets on it. I was engulfed in a hug and he whispered in my ear, "Can we do this again tomorrow?" he whispered. "Uh yeah sure." I said and he released me. "When?" he pressed on. "I guess you could drop by for breakfast tomorrow morning." I suggested. "I'd love to princess." he smiled. "Well goodnight." I said and he bent over pecking my cheek. "Goodnight princess." he said. I unlocked the door and rushed up the stairs. "Aly!!!" I screamed. She busted through her door holding a baseball bat. "What?! What happened?! Are you ok?!" she hollered. "Yes I'm fine, I just wanted to tell you he asked me out again." I laughed and she squealed with glee. "I'm so happy for you!!" she giggled. "Yeah ok let's get to bed." I yawned and hugged her goodnight. I entered my room and went to the bathroom. My makeup had stayed on all night. Wow. I grabbed my makeup remover and started taking it off. Once I had done so I washed my face brushed my hair and went into my room and changed into my pjs. Climbed into bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Thanks to y'all who read this. Goodnight

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