Tell Me You Love Me

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*Zachary's POV*

"You remember me?" I asked cautiously. "Of course silly you're my boyfriend!" She said looking at me like I was crazy. "I'm sorry you're first kiss wasn't the special one with that special someone." I said looking at my shoes.

*Stephs POV*

Once he said that it felt like I just got hit in the gut. "You saved my life! I'm not sure what's more special than that but I'll be damned if I didn't think that's special." I said holding his gaze firmly. "What all happened to me?" I asked looking down into my lap. "Well Steph you died-" "I know that much." I interrupted. "Well you ran into a tree and gave yourself a concussion. And you got worse and worse until well you already know the rest." He finished and I looked the other way out the window. "So when do I get dischar-" "I also know about your wrist." he called me out and as if by instinct, covered my arm with the blanket. "Why'd you do it?" he asked so innocently it almost made me want to cry. And made me think thoughts I shouldn't think. Tears leaked out of my eyes.
Why'd I do it? I did it because it was the only way to numb the pain, the only way for me to get revenge on myself, the only way to feel like I did something right for once. The only way to muffle the voices that haunted my mind and conscience. "I don't know." I whispered wiping my eyes. "Yes you do. Someone said something to you, someone did something to you to make you feel a certain way to pressure you to hurt yourself. And I'm gonna kill those little heathens." He said and I snapped my head towards him. "They told me to kill myself." I pushed the tears back. They told me to cut, they told me I should die, they told me I was worthless, they told me I'd be better off dead." I said shaking. "Well you didn't kill yoursel-" "It was a failed attempt." I interrupted. He looked on me with pity. "Fucking stop! I hate being pitied for what I meant to do!!!" I shouted. "Well damn I'm sorry! I just want you to know that you're the best thing that happened in my fucked up life!!!" he shouted back. That dumbass nurse walked in. "Is everything alright in here?" She said sweetly. "Just fucking peachy!! Now get the hell out!" I hollered. And she scurried out. "You know what? I might just try again, maybe this time I won't be interrupted!" I said. His hurt expression was my prize. "Why-" "Stop asking why!! Look around! This is not your fairy tale anymore!! This is real life!!" I yelled at him burying my face in my hands. "I'm sorry." he whispered. "No, I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you like that. It's just I've been a bitch for so long it's a hard habit to break." I said and he chuckled. "It's totally fine. I've met girls with a lot worse tempers than you." he smiled and I smiled back. "Come're." I said opening my arms. He leaned down and I pressed my lips to his. "I love you." he said into the kiss. "I know." I said smirking and pulling away. "Why'd you pull away?" he pouted. "Because you can't get to greedy darlin." I smiled. "Well...." he debated in his head. "At least I don't have any compitition." he stated. "Why would you have any compitition? I'm lucky to get you! Nobody else would want me nobody else would-" he cut me off by smashing his soft lips into mine. "Steph, do me a favor will ya?" he asked into the kiss. "Hmm?" I responded. "Tell me that you love me." he requested. I pulled away.
"I love you Zachary." I whispered into his ear. "I love you so much." I whispered and connected our lips once more.


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