Little Sparrow

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*Zachary's POV*

Ring Ring!!

"Hello?" I answered my phone.

"Is this Zachary Smith?" the caller asked. "Maybe what's up?" I replied. "This is doctor Jenkins, we got Ms. Stephanie Jones' results back." He said. "Well, spill dude!!!" I said.

"Well she blacked out because she's fatally malnourished. And isn't getting enough to eat. Either she isn't eating or she's not getting enough to eat which is leading to a decrease in blood production she's a very sick girl. She's lucky to be alive. When's the last time she ate?" he explained.

"Well we just met about three weeks ago and she ordered a decaf latte no foam, and then we went for breakfast and now that I think about it, she didn't eat hardly anything and yesterday was our three week anniversary and I hardly ever see her eat." I said dumbfounded.

"I'm diagnosing her with anorexia." He said professionally.

"Woah woah woah woah woah!!! You can't diagnose people over the damn phone!!!" I yelled into the phone.

"What's going on in here?" Steph appeared at the doorway. I put my finger up to say one minute.

"We'll be back I promise." I pressed end.

"What the hell?" she asked. I laughed. "No I'm serious what was that all about?" she asked sincerely. "It was the doctor, they got your test results back and you're fatally malnourished." I explained. "I don't have a diagnosis?" she asked. "Yeah he did." I said avoiding the question. "Spill!" she said. "He diagnosed you with anorexia." I said and she went crazy.

*Stephs POV*

"anorexia......" I completely lost it. "What the actual fuck?! He can't diagnose people over the phone!! Who the hell does he think he is cause he sure as hell ain't a doctor!!! I'm not anorexic either!!! I'm at a healthy weight!!! And I don't starve myself! What the fucking hell is going on?! What is this about? What?! What?!" I screamed.

"I tryed to tell him that but he's an asshole that don't wanna listen!! He can't diagnose you with shit until we visit this son of a bitch bastard ass mother fucker!!!!" he yelled back. I stood there in total shock. He has never cussed this much in a sentence before since I've met him. "Okay." I whispered. "Okay what?" he turned around and looked at me with gental eyes. "We'll go see the doctor." I said looking at my feet. Not knowing why to think about his outburst. Is this his real side? Is this how I might eventually be treated? Is this how he treats his mother?

"Hey," he lifted my chin with two fingers so I was looking at him. "I'm sorry for blowing up like that but I'm not gonna let some deadbeat try to diagnose my baby with something as absurd as anorexia. We both know you don't starve yourself and we both know that you eat regularly right?" he said and I nodded. "Okay, you don't have to see that doctor if you don't wanna." He said pulling me into a tight hug. "It's ok." I said hugging back. "I only blew up because I won't be diagnosed over the damn phone." I said. And pulled away from the hug. Zachary rubbed my arms. "You okay?" he asked and I nodded. "Alright." he kissed my cheek and walked over to the couch. I followed. "Come're." he patted the seat next to him and I sat down being embraced by his strong protective arms. "You're as fragile as a little sparrow. Whether you wanna admit it or not. But your my sparrow." he whispered in my ear and kissed my neck. "I love you Stephanie." he said into my hair. "I know." I replied smiling. I'll be treated with love, respect and kindness. No hate, no disrespect, no harshness. Just love.

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