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Soooo...... Sorry if this ends up really short, It's
6:45 in the morning, I have school, and realized, I have to update today. Shit. Welp,
don't say I didn't warn you. Unedited, enjoy.

Tony's PoV(huh...)

"Cap? Where did the children go?" I asked, curious as to how a bunch of teenagers disappeared.

"Here!" I heard Hunter call.

What the fuck? Was he in the vents?!

"Out of the vents!" I heard Clint call from, you guessed it? The vents.

"What about you?!" Hunter cried back, slightly laughing.

"Get out of the vents!" Clint said again.

"As you wish." I heard Hunter laugh, and suddenly he's dropping down into the living room.

"See ya!" He called, then sprinted out. Ho-ly Shit.

"Well that just happened...." I muttered.

"TONY STARK!!!" Pepper yelled at me.

"Shit. Hunter wait up!!!!" I cried to Hunter running away.

Peppers gonna kill me.

(A/n so I would write in Steve's PoV, but he's like Mr. Language! so yeah)

James PoV

"James, can I talk to you?" Ari asked.

"Yeah! What's up Ari?" I smiled.

She pulled us in a corner away from everyone. "It's about Lauren. I think she's hiding something from us. Maybe it's just the fact that she's with Hunter, but there's something wrong. I know it when I see it."

If Ari has a feeling like this, it's right. Not once has it been wrong. "Okay. What do you want me to do?"

"That's the thing. We can't do anything. Tell no one. Don't think about it near Lauren, keep your mental barriers up, and most of all, don't tell Zilya or the so called adults." She said seriously.

I put my hands lightly on the sides of her face. "Ari, how bad is it?"

"I'm scared Jamey, really scared." She said shakily.

"It's okay Ari. I will protect you. You know I will. Okay?" I asked, bringing her close to my chest, her head laying in the crook of my neck.

"Okay." She mumbled.

"I love you." I smiled softly, rubbing her back.

"I love you too." She mumbled back.

(A/n hehe, who saw that coming? I did, and it was before I had the idea to write this chapter! Ship name people!! Help with a ship name!)

Zilya's PoV

On some rooftop, somewhere.

"What are you doing up here?" Peter asked.

"Thinking. You?" I looked over, and saw Peter in the Spider Man outfit.

"Talking to you." I swear he was smirking, maybe smiling.

"Funny Parker." I laughed softly.

"How did you?" He trailed off.

"I'm not stupid. It's obvious. Plus I've been trying to figure out what you were hiding, Lauren told me." I smirked.

I looked back, watching the sunset on the city skyline. It was gorgeous might I add.

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