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Zilya's PoV

It was dark. That's all I knew. The darkness overtook me, and I couldn't shake it. I was standing in a dark place. I heard a voice calling out to me. A voice I knew all to well.

"Zilya! Zilya! Z!" it called.

"Z! Z! Z!" another called out.

I threw hands over my ears. "Stop it! Stop it! This can't be happening! Stop it! Shut up!" I shouted into the dark.

Two hands moved my hands away from ears. "That's no way to talk to your brother, and best friend is it?"

"Hunter, Grace. This isn't real. You're both dead. Hunter you died in my arms! I watched you! And Grace you were shot! I saw it!" I started bawling.

"I am dead. I died when I was shot. But Hunter," Grace smiled.

"I never died. They managed to revive me. Grace brought me here. Your mind. Fun. Look sis, life just got rough didn't it? I'm in Queens. A friend of mine is heading up to your area soon, and I'm tagging along. It'll be good to see you sis. Maybe you will wake up before then. Things changed." Hunter sighed. "I have to go. I love you sis. See you soon."

Alexis's PoV (I know i'm evil)

I stirred awake. Mentally cussing out the sound that could be heard about 4 rooms over. I sighed at got up. I looked back and saw Wanda and Vision, asleep on the couch. Her arm wrapped around his, and their heads on one another. I smiled. This is what love looks like.

Suddenly the smell of pancakes overtook my senses and I went for the source. I followed my nose through the place until I got to the kitchen. There, Carter was half asleep on the counter, Oliver and James were asleep at the counter, and Lauren was assisting Steve, who was cooking the pancakes.

"Coffee?" Lauren asked me.

"Gimme." I sighed. She laughed and started to make me coffee. I sat at the counter with the boys. "What time is it?"

"6 am." Oliver muttered 3/4 asleep.

"Why the fuck is anyone awake at 6 in the fucking morning? You must be shitting me right now." I growled.

"Language." Steve warned.

Lauren laughed as she handed me coffee. "James, what does Alex say about that?"

"No correcting her on her profanity before coffee and before 7 am." James grumbled subconsciously.

I smirked. "Good job James. Where's Ari?"

Lauren smirked. "Two doors down. Your asked, your problem."

"I hate you Laur." I grumbled, and she smiled.

"Love you too Alex." She smiled harder.

"Yeah yeah." I muttered as I walked down to go awake the beast.

I walked in to see Arieta curled into a ball. I stood about 6 feet away from her. She was like 5 ft'9 and she could brake you with one kick. "Ari!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!"

When she flipped me off I retried. "Arieta wake and get up right now or I swear, I will tell everyone in this building your middle name."

"I'm up!" She growled and jumped up. She followed me to the kitchen once she saw my coffee.

Once we were back in the kitchen, Lauren was passing out food to the boys, and put a cup of coffee down next to my spot. She put two plates down as me and Ari sat down.

Lauren's PoV

And that was when all hell broke lose.

Aka, Nicholas J. Fury showed up. And at 6:30 fucking am, if I may add.

"Why the fuck can't you people leave me alone!" Alexis cried out in anger, before she laid her head on the counter.

"What?" Steve asked.

"6 teenagers. Care to explain?" Fury asked.

"Not preferably." Natasha's voice came in as she walked in behind Fury.

"It is way too early, may I add." James grumbled.

"Sure kid." Tony laughed, coming in from some other door or something.


a) it is crowded af in here(not really, you could fit like 50 people in here i swear)

b) there is way too much testosterone in here

c) Carter isn't exactly awake yet, which means I have to deal with this ass.

Nick sighed as everyone else pilled in. We now had about 14 'adults', Fury, and 6 teenagers in here.

"Fury did you show up this early, just to harass the children?" Stark asked.

Arieta choked on her coffee. "We're the children?"

Like father, like daughter.

"Look, what time is it Laur?" Alexis asked.

I laughed. "You got about 3 minutes Ari, Alex."

"Listen up Fury. It is before fucking 7. I don't give a shit about how many minutes before, it's still before 7. I blame fucking Alex for waking me, but I blame Lauren for fucking telling her that I was her problem. Now Fury-" Ari started.

"2 minutes."

"Are you really going to be the asshole who harassed a bunch of teens before 8 in the morning? Seriously you couldn't wait till fucking 9 to harass anyone in here? It better be important as hell because if not, you better run and hide Nicholas Joseph Fury, because I will hand you your ass and on a silver platter and-" Alex continued.

"30 seconds."

"then feed it to the fucking lions in a zoo. I swear you son of a bitch, if you just ruined my day before 9, you will die in more than one way, and I will drag it out as long as possible." Alex finished, with this girl, she wouldn't be joking.

"Time. Nice one Ari, Alex." I laughed.

"Ummmmm, what did I just what did I walk in on?" A boy asked.

Now we introduce the new ones!!!! (again.... aka I had to rewrite this part because it deleted.)

Name: Hunter Mason Davidson

Age: 19

Power: Marksman

Parents: Natasha and Clint

DOB: 04/07

Actor/Actress: Gage Munroe

Name: Grace Crystal Moore

Age: 19

Power: Time traveling and accessing minds of people

Parents: n/a (she's an orphan) *aka I had no idea what to do for her!! she's just random! sorry guys and girls!*

DOB: 08/28

Actor/Actress: Willow Shields

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