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Sorry for the late update. Super Bowl Sunday
peeps!!! I also just spent the past few days at a Beta state convention. 4 -1st place awards, 2 -2nd place, and 1 -3rd place.

Peter's PoV (The next day.)

"We're going out!" Lauren called as she, Arieta, Alexis, and Zilya walked out the door.

"Okay." James, Carter, Oliver and Hunter muttered.

Suddenly as he door closed, all of their eyes were on me.

"What?!" I cried, hands up.

"We've seen the way you are around my sister." Hunter started.

I looked at them confused. I've been around her all of one time. "I don't get it. I've been around her all of like one time."

"The way you stare at her." James continued.

"Look like a lost puppy around her." Carter raised an eyebrow.

"Look, I'm not following." I was so lost.

"Break her heart, we break you." Oliver threatened.

What. The. Heck. "I don't like Zilya. I have a girlfriend anyway!"

They looked at me like I was stupid. I'm not that stupid.....

Lauren's PoV

Who knew listening in on guys conversations was funny. We didn't feel like really shopping so we listened in.

By now, we were cracking up. Zilya the most. We all knew she had a thing Carter.

We walked back in.


"JAMES FINN BROWN!" Arieta screamed.



"Shit!" They yelled, and dashed off, but I put a barrier around the room.

"Peter, you can go." I smirked, and made it to where he was the only one allowed to leave.

He nodded, got up, and walked out. We looked at the boys dead in the eyes.

"YOU ASSHOLES!" Zilya yelled at them.

"HOW COULD TALK LIKE THAT?!" Arieta was pissed.


"ARE YOU INSANE?!" Alexis cried out.

They all blushed hard.

"We were just being protective." Hunter muttered.

"Holy shit. Are you fucking insane?!" Alexis screamed.

Truly for once, I wondered where our so called parents were.....

Natasha's PoV

I wonder how long it will take them to notice we aren't in the tower. Or New York.

I wonder what's even going on in the tower.

"Hey Stark. We should spy on the kids." Clint suggested.

We all laughed and nodded. It couldn't be that bad.

"Here we go. Peter's in his room reading. Everyone else is in the living room. Sound up." Tony commanded.

"ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?!" Alexis screamed.

"Ari, listen please." James tried to reason.

"Listen here! You don't get any right to stand there, and say that! EVER! You have been brothers to us, you may always, but I was hell sure we had taught you better!" Lauren yelled.

"Uh... What happened?" Steve asked confused.

"Why Oliver? How? How could you do this? To Z?! I thought you guys were better than that." Arieta said sadly.

"Hunter, I know she's your sister, but she's mine too. Something as small as just being protective over her, crosses a line." Lauren sounded as broken as Arieta.

"Grow up." Zilya snapped, and with that the girls walked away.

I looked at Clint, and noticed that everyone was glancing at one another. 

"Holy shit."

So, sue me, I ran out of fucking ideas, and like I said, just spent two days around a bunch of hormonal teenagers who act like horny five year old's (It's not pretty) made some good jokes. 

Ex: What would the adults think if they noticed 2 teen boys and 4 teen girls locked in a small room, with the lock on the inside, making noise? 

Sorry for the short filler chapter!

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